
The Forge Fire & Fuel

blacksmith ok

October 2011

"I found myself in a large open area or moorland, and it was nighttime. In the middle there was fire burning brightly. It wasn't particularly large, but it was burning along very well. After a moment I began to notice that there were pieces of wood being added to the fire. Some were large and heavy, others were smaller with some branches still attached. They came slowly towards the fire from all directions around, and were added to the blaze one after the other. The curious part was that the pieces of wood were not being carried by someone and put on the fire by anybody. But rather each piece came on its own somehow."

"What the Lord impressed on me was that this is how He is building the fire in the Forge. Those that He is calling to be involved are not adding something that they have, but rather they are putting themselves on the fire - His altar. Each one is saying to the Lord, Here am I, send me," like in Isaiah 6:12. Here I am Lord, let my life be fuel for Your fire, myself, my life, my goals and dreams, my hours and days, consumed for Your purposes. Let me be the fuel. So it is not really about people giving substance to bring this thing to pass, but people literally offering their lives as a living sacrifice to see this thing through."

Dick Funnell

1st August 2011

Dear brother Qday LEE

Great to receive also this Newsletter...I am delighted to read about this and that the Lord Jesus is keeping you in faith even though there seems to be (in the world) another decision which has been made. The Lord indeed will go on. And just like Abraham who gave Isaak 'back' to the Lord when he was inclined to lay Isaak on the altar as you know. What a precious example to us.Open doors will come, when His 'time' has come, in the meantime His decision about the BCW remains the same.

"God [is] not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do [it]? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" (Numbers 23:19)

Hold on and keep praying.

With love to you and your wife and your team

Sandra de Roos, Netherlands

30th July 2011

I've been considering once again, this weekend, how the battle is surely won and lost in the heavenlies.  Thinking again, of that confidence to pray and press in as Rees Howells did.  To win in the secret place and to confidently wait on the LORD for his outcome.  May the LORD help me, help each one of us to enter into this place in throne room again to request his mercy, his grace in every situation.

Diane F.

29th July 2011

Dear Koo Dae,
I have just read this and bless you for your faithfulness and courage. The dual identity spoke very clearly to me,personally, as did the reference to Ruth and Naomi. (If you want to read about the 'Dual Identity', click here)

Bridget Lou.


27th July 2011

I believe the significance may be this:  the lifestyle and preparing of the ground at BCW is making way for the return of the King;  in Rees Howells' day, the Battle of Britain was being fought;  today the Battle for the Kingdom is being fought;  the Brits (Covenant people) were brought the gospel by Jesus himself;  the gospel went out from here to many parts of the world and shaped an Empire - once our Prime Minister would be consulting with the Prime Ministers of Canada, Australia, South Africa, India - all had received the gospel and adopted a lifestyle of some likeness to ours;  in these days our Prime Minister must consult with the leaders of Europe, but the system does not have a foundation of Truth - the 12 stars are not showing allegiance to our soon returning King, they are trying to establish a new but false foundation, which clearly does not work nor have a good future.  

Indeed I believe we followers of Christ are engaging in the battle to see our nation released from this ungodly control so that we may fulfil our destiny to be a sheep nation and influence other nations for good not evil. This is a most urgent season for that release to take place;  free from Europe shackles we make the right decision towards Israel.  David Cameron wants to bless Israel, he says so.  Europa is a false deity and the Lord does not want nations aligned to a false deity but to Kingdom alignment. I believe the land at BCW represents a heritage of grace and place of prayer to raise up the Kingdom lifestyle and bless the nations of Europe as we uphold The Way, The Truth and The Life through our call to serve the Lord Almighty and soon returning King..

I believe the recognition of the Lord sending the Koreans to be the spark to light His fire in Wales was very much part of the last meeting and the ministry of the Holy Spirit from the Brits to the Koreans was a very important part of the last meeting.  Without Korean ignition, much of what is now happening would not be, but the Lord is looking for us to be partakers together out of many nations, all of us recognizing our true citizenship is as subjects of the King of Israel.  The faithful prayer for Israel which has been going on at BCW led by our brother (who owns the bookshop in Llanelli) also very significant and important keeping the altar to the Lord there for that specific purpose.



14th July 2011

Hello, We were very pleased to be able to come to the meeting last Saturday, and be able to understand a bit more of what the Lord is doing at BCW sites, and what He is planning to do there in the future. 

1. BCW Ground: As praying, felt the Lord say very clearly into my spirit ‘ I have given you the Bible College of Wales’ (bcw). I knew it was the Lord speaking, but didn’t know what to think or say. Then He said ‘What will you do with it’? Thought for moment and said, I give it back to you Lord. A Very Strong sense of His Presence saying yes this is me.

2. Then had the impression of only allowing onto the land what the Lord says, "Not the ought to, or have to, or must do these things here. Only what the Lord says."

3. I was then taken to a personal devotional reading, which was about our body being the Temple of the Holy Spirit and how we are to live daily. I knew the Lord was saying how we are to live on the Land is as important as what takes place on the Land. Purity of relationship and lifestyle is very important.

4. Also heard the word ‘Europe’ spoken very clearly.

JESUS Tunic (John 19: 23-24)

1. It seemed that the Lord was saying that the land of BCW was like the Tunic of Jesus. It was not to be divided up as the other parts, v23, but they would cast lots for it, it was up for grabs. The Tunic was the most valuable.  Proverbs 16: 33 says, "The lot is cast into the lap, But it’s every decision is from the Lord." Seemed very clear the Lord is saying, "I DECIDE what will happen to MY TUNIC."

2. ( This may not need to be said, but I know the land at BCW is such a picture of Israel, and what has happened to Israel, and mans future plans for Israel. This is how much the heart of God cares for and values this little bit of land in Wales.)

Your stand as a family has been so important for all that the LORD has in His heart for BCW. Well done.

Steve and Cathy M.


8th June 2011

"I was sorry to hear that you have been having such a difficult time recently. I have prayed for you this morning. I feel you have already done a wonderful work, by allowing the Lord to use you to delay the date the applications can be submitted by 2 months. Well done. Please don't give up or lose heart. We will have the victory because of Jesus!!!! Each fight we win will upset the enemy (Satan). Round 1 has been won by QDay and his supporters!!!! Do pray for protection in this."
"I felt right from the beginning, when I first heard about this project that it was something God would work out in his own way. I am certain we must just keep praying. There is a battle raging for this land in the spiritual realm and we must trust the Lord to have His way. I will fight and pray with you."


Liz T.


30th April 2011

Repentance over the past shall be the stepping stone for the future.  This has nothing to do with judgmentalism it has everything to do with recognising that the 'land' possessed for the Kingdom was lost, in part through the necessity to sell it off, and the vision lost through the loss of the anointing flowing down in equal measure to what moved through Rees Howells to take possession.  As a body of people who come together to 'stand in the gap' i.e. intercessors, we can repent over the past errors that led to the loss, prhaps even the lack of acknowledgement to the incalculable role BCW had as a strongold of prayer and intercession during the last war.

Once there is an emptying before the Lord of all this stuff, the land is cleansed from the ill suffered thereon, and of the ill conduct between believers, disputes among many believers also that have prevailed there, secrecy and uncertainty, all resulting in the 'land not being loved and husbanded as it should before God and in the sight of man'.

The day we are in today is not unlike the time of the last war;  God has been sending His prayer warriors and minstrels from Korea to bring back the sound of the revival that once touched their land from 1904;  this revival was the ignitiion that sparked the mighty move of faith that catapulted Rees Howells in such boldness and confident trust.

From the way the Lord has moved in my life through coming to Llanelli in 09, i know He has called me to stand and pray and speak up re BCW and shown me His heart for Swansea, a city to weep over, just as Jesus did in Jerusalem. He has also called me to stand with my Welsh born fellow believers as well as my Korean brothers and sisters, halelujah.    I am convinced that He does  not want the land turned into a residential housing area;  neverthless I believe there will be a change of heart that God may bring to Alan Scotland for the current proposal to fail to proceed.

I stand with Bridget and Qday believing God has a better plan and i shall be praying from 12 noon with you and send anything I receive.

Sally, London

Prophetic Word for Wales

Given on New Year’s Eve/Day 2010/2011

"Do not spread yourselves too thinly on the ground, for if you do, when I instruct you to throw out the nets for the catch, they will break. Instead, when I raise My Battle Standard on the mountain top-LOOK! When I blow the Ram’s Horn-LISTEN! Gather together as an assembly-come quickly to hear the Word of The Lord. For you who fear My Name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings. Continue to humble yourselves, seek My Face and repent on behalf of My church and people. If you will hear My Voice and if you will obey My commands and preach My Word in Spirit and Truth, then your land will not be cursed."

2Chron 7:14-15, Mal 3:2-5, Is 18:3  

Connie Scott.





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Who are we

An Introduction to Us

blacksmith ok
I (Kyoo Dae LEE / Qday LEE) was born in South Korea and served as Pastor in a Korean church in Seoul. I came to U.K. on 1st January 1999 to do mission training at Nations in Wales. I had no direct relationship with BCW although I had read Rees Howells’ book when I was in Korea. Since my training I have been working with Nations in Wales and been involved in a local church. In 2006 I married Bridget, who was then working for World Horizons, and we settled in Llanelli in South Wales.

In 2007 I felt God was moving us from that local fellowship and in 2009 my wife and I left, with the blessing of the leaders. God began to speak to me about BCW. I attended the service there, expecting just BCW staff and students, and found Swansea Community Church (The church belongs to Lifelink denomination, which is part of the Global Horizons Trust which still owns the Bible College sites.)

At first even my wife did not want to commute to Swansea every Sunday, but I felt God had put BCW on my heart and I wanted to stand on the ground. Fortunately my wife accepted my call. In December 2010, my wife received a dream in which she believed God was asking her to pray so that the current plan for redevelopment of the site does not go ahead.

At first I had no interest or desire to purchase the land myself, but the Lord has changed my heart. I do believe the spiritual inheritance of Rees Howells is still waiting to be unfolded in God’s eternal purposes, and that He is calling me to call people together for that purpose.

Bridget's Dream

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In my dream I was at the Bible College grounds with quite a few other people. Although they weren't people I knew, in my dream we were all staff members of the college. The college was already closed down, we knew it was for sale and we were hanging around to see if the new owners would want to keep us on or not.

Then two ladies arrived. They had bought the college and come to interview everyone and look around. I talked to them and they explained they wanted to use it as a school for children with behavioural problems. In my mind I thought "that's a nice project, but it's not right.  This place is meant to be for the nations." I saw it written on a sheet of paper "the nations, the nations, the nations" over and over.

Then I and some other staff were walking back from the main house and I asked them "what do you think about this? Is it right for these people to have the college?" and they didn't give a clear answer, just that they were hanging on, hoping to keep their jobs. I asked "But can't we stop it?  If we get together and pray we can stop the sale, even though it has already been agreed." The man next to me looked at me and said "yes, if you believe." And I felt I MUST get everyone together and pray to stop this sale, that if we got together that night and prayed we could stop it going through. At the same time I was aware that the people in charge, who wanted to sell the place, would be angry with me if I got people together to pray against it, and this made me hesitate. 

I woke up with a sense of urgency.  Until now I haven't felt very strongly about the Bible College lands although we have been praying for some time, but now I feel it matters, it's very important that this land doesn't go to the wrong people who would cover up the legacy of Rees Howell and build something else on top of it.  I need to be part of standing to keep the place for those who have that heart for the nations to come and redeem it possession of it.




 A Brief History of the FORGE

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  •  2009 January: Beginning to Stand on grounds of BCW (seeding)

  •  2010 January: Two more years (germinating)

  •  2010 December: Received word and dream (rooting)

  •  2011 January: Trip to Israel (sprouting)

  •  2011 March: Attending ECI in Brussells (confirming)

  •  2011 April: The FORGE meeting started (exploring)

  •  2011 August: Trip to Israel with a Korean team (encouraging)

  •  2011 October: Trip to Israel, the Feast of Tabernacles (standing)

  •  2011 November: 3 Day Prayer & Fasting for Israel in England (expanding)

  •  2012 July: Held a National Day of Prayer
  •  2012 December: Two week long 'The Forge School of Faith' started
  •  2013 March 31 - "Go back to the beginning!" at Penllergaer
  •  2013 April 1 - "Place all on the altar!" at Blue Room at BCW
  •  2013 April 19 - May 17: The Forge School of Faith 2 in Wales & the Middle East
  •  2013 October 5 - November 5: The Forge School of Faith 3 in Wlaes & the Middle East
  •  2013 December - 2014 February: The Youth Forge School of Faith in Wales
  •  2014 March - April: The Forge School of Faith 4 in Wales & the Middle East
  •  2014 April 17: "Find a 7 bedroom house. I will support you!" from F & J
  •  2014 April 20: "What do you need?" "Let's buy the house!" from J
  •  2014 June 30: Moved out from our old house and moved in a new 7 bedroom house
  •  2014 September 30: The 7 bedroom house purchase completed
  •  2014 September - October: The Forge School of Faith 5 in Wales & the Middle East
  •  2015 January 10 - February 9: The Forge School of Faith 6 in Wales & the Middle East
  •  2015 April 20 - May 5: The Forge School of Faith 7 in Wales & the Middle East
  •  2015 October: The Forge School of Faith 8 in Wales & the Middle East
  •  2016 April: The Forge School of Faith 9 in Wales & the U.K.
  •  2016 December: The Forge School of Faith 10 in Wales & Spain + Portugal
  •  2017 June 24 - July 24: The Forge School of Faith 11 in Wales & the Middle East
  •  2017 November 18 - 25 : The Forge Leadership Retreat in Wales
  •  2018 April 7 - 21 : The Forge School of Faith 12 in South Wales & North Wales
  •  2018 October 13 - Nov 13 : The Forge School of Faith 13 in Wales & the Middle East
  •  2019 March 30 - April 13 : The Forge School of Faith 14 in Wales
  •  2019 November 2 - 28 : The Forge School of Faith 15 in Wales & in Europe
  •  2019 December : The Lord told us stop running the school and receiving long-term people
  •  2023 March : We resumed the Forge School of Faith 16 in Wales
  •  2023 July : The Ladies' Forge School of Faith 17 in Wales


 A Brief History of BCW (Bible College of Wales)

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  • 1924 – BCW was founded by Rees Howells
  • 1950 – BCW was taken over by Samuel Howells
  • 2002 – BCW was taken over by Alan Scotland
  • 2006 – Glynderwen House (the first property Rees Howells bought) was closed down and sold.
  • 2009 – BCW site was closed down and the college became Trinity School of Theology (TST) and moved to Rugby in England. Also ‘Rees Howells Trust’ became ‘Global Horizons Trust’.

  • 2012 - BCW Derwen Fawr site is purchased by Cornerstone Church from Singapore on 21st December.
  • 2013 - Renovation and reconstruction started by Cornerstone Church
  • 2013 - Weekly Prayer and Intercession started on Tuesday at Derwen Fawr
  • 2013 - Liberty church meeting started
  • 2015 May - Bible College of Wales Rededication Ceremony
  • 2015 - BCW Sketty Isaf site was sold 
  • 2015 September ~ now : Running a 3 month Bible School course twice a year


Current Status of BCW Sites

Swansea Community Church, which had been using some of the buildings on the Bible College's Derwen Fawr site, is no longer using the conference hall as a meeting place, because Cornerstone Church from Singapore completed the purchase of the Derwen Fawr site on Friday 21st December 2012, also the other site, Sketty Isaf has been sold in 2015.


Why was BCW closed down?
The primary reason for the closure was financial viability. The site has become too expensive to maintain and run, and was no longer viable in its existing use. The core facilities have now relocated to alternative premises in Rugby which are much more centrally located for access from students across the country and worldwide.” (quoted from the Local Development Application made by Global Horizons Trust and King Sturge for the BCW sites)

Closing down BCW and transferring the inheritance

For the reasons stated above, the decision was taken to close down the BCW sites, transfer the students and staff to Rugby and form the Trinity School of Theology. This college and other projects are now run by the Global Horizons Trust. Their intention is to use funds from the sale and re-development of the land to invest in projects around the world.

s been on the market since TST was inaugurated in Rugby and a property developer, King Sturge, and Global Horizons Trust have agreed to develop the BCW ground as a residential area containing 40 new houses. Now a Local Development Plan Candidate Site Notice has been placed at the BCW front gate by Swansea Council. Copies of the application with all relevant details are available on request





Biblical Background for this Visi0n

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Why do we want to hold onto Rees Howells’ inheritance; its Land?

Some people are saying to me, “If Rees Howells’ inheritance is important, why do you insist on the BCW grounds. Can you not restore his inheritance and resume the vision somewhere else?” Maybe we could, but Rees Howells and many other people have already laid their lives in intercession and faith work on that site. In other words, they have laid a deep foundation of intercession and faith there. For me personally the most important thing was not the inheritance, nor the ground itself, but God’s word. Between the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009, God put in my heart to go to the BCW ground to stand on it every Sunday. That was just the beginning of my exploratory journey of obedience in faith. Now I understand how important the land is in terms of spiritual heritage and history. This is what God has revealed to me about the importance of the land.

Land is God’s inheritance: Moriah in Jerusalem (Genesis 22)

Moriah in Jerusalem was an ordinary mountain but somehow God chose it for his eternal purpose. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac at Moriah although he was living in Beersheba at that time. Through Abraham’s obedience Moriah became a holy mountain; i.e. Abraham laid a faith foundation there.

However, some time later the Jebusites came to live in Jerusalem. Until David, no-one was able to dislodge the Jebusites from Jerusalem. Joshua could not, nor could the tribes of Judah and Benjamin during the time of the Judges (Joshua 15:63, Judges 1:8, 21). King Saul also failed to move them (2 Samuel 5:6-7). They lived there firmly and confidently although David conquered the rest of the land of Canaan. Finally David did conquer Jerusalem and he built his palace in Zion but he did not take Moriah. Even when David had established his kingdom in Jerusalem, the Jebusite, Arauna (or Ornan, meaning “strong”) still occupied Moriah and used it as a threshing-floor.

The enemy is so subtle. They never moved but firmly stayed and occupied the place where Abraham had been willing to sacrifice his son, and did sacrifice the lamb. Abraham laid a faith foundation on which the temple of God would be built. But the Jebusites had trampled the ground and made it a threshing-floor. In fact the Jebusites trampled Abraham’s altar, so many people, including David, may not have known the history of that place. (Interestingly, the name ‘Jebusites’ comes from the Hebrew ‘ye-boos (יבוּס)’ whose root is ‘boos (בּוּס)’ meaning to trample.)

Yet God was using the enemy’s strategy and power to prepare the ground as a solid foundation for his temple to be built, even though the enemy had occupied and covered the foundation of faith and obedience for a long time.

David made a big mistake in counting the number of his fighting men. But God allowed Satan to inspire David to do it so that the ground on which Abraham had laid the foundation of faith and obedience 1000 years before would be revealed. The angel of God ordered Gad to tell David to go up and build an altar to the Lord on the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite. So David went up in obedience to the word (2 Samuel 24:1-7, 1 Chronicles 21:18-19). He purchased the threshing floor and the land was used as the site of the first Temple, which Solomon built, on mount Moriah (2 Chronicles 3:1). God turned David’s mistake into revealing and fulfilling his eternal purpose.

I think Alan Scotland’s team may well have heard God saying to move and sell the BCW ground, just as David was incited by God to count his fighting men (2 Samuel 24:1). It was God’s plan to reveal and fulfil his eternal purpose for that land, on which Rees Howells laid the foundation. Like Araunah’s threshing floor it was covered for a few years but now is the time to reclaim the land, restore the vision and resume the work - for his Kingdom’s sake.

Not a monument but a movement! (Deuteronomy 34)
God buried Moses in Moab after he died, but no-one knew where his grave was. (34:6) Joshua was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hand on him. (34:9) Moses was 120 years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone. (34:7)

If God had not taken Moses, he would have entered Canaan with Joshua and Joshua would not have had the opportunity to be a leader. If the people had known where Moses was buried, they would have built a big monument and might have stayed and been stuck there. Because Moses had died and no one knew his burial place, Joshua, who had Moses’ spirit of wisdom through the laying of hands by Moses, was able to make a movement toward the promised land.

We want to appreciate the foundation of faith, intercession and mission which Rees Howells laid, and create forward movement for the Kingdom of God. We do not want to make any monument of Rees Howells but a movement of God in this generation and the next.

blacksmith ok How can it be?

I sensed I needed to write all this down and to place it alongside the alternative proposal (Global Horizons Trust’s proposal: selling it), before God, just as in Numbers 17 Aaron’s name was written on his staff and it was placed with the staffs of the other tribal leaders before God, to show which was the one God had chosen. If God is in this, it will not only sprout but also bud, blossom, and produce the almonds.

Aaron’s staff (Numbers 16-17)

After Kora, Dathan and Abiram’s rebellion and their death, the assembly gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron. The plague had already started among the people. When Aaron stood between the living and the dead with his censer, the plague stopped. Then God told Moses to get twelve staffs, one from each of the leaders of the ancestral tribes. One of them was Aaron’s who was interceding between the living and the dead and his staff not only sprouted, but budded, blossomed and produced almonds overnight.

Time is not the issue to God:
The length of time from sprouting to ripe fruit normally takes a few months. But Aaron’s staff not only sprouted but budded, blossomed and produced ripe almonds just overnight. Time is in God’s hand because he created time in eternity. I think when God intervenes in this matter, it may happen just overnight.

Its identity is revealed:
Did Aaron know what kind of tree his staff was made from? He might have known or he might not. But when it produced its fruits, they knew what the tree was. The identity of BCW may have been lost and it looks dead. I believe that the Lord will reveal and restore its identity of faith, intercession and mission.

Losing possession but gaining position:
Aaron lost his staff because the Lord said to Moses to put it back in front of the Testimony. But he did not need to prove his authority now with his staff because the Lord authorised him. I think whoever wants to commit to this, we need to be ready to lose something in order to gain something.

It is impossible for the dead staff to live again:
If the tree had been cut off a few days before, it might possibly have been able to live again. The staff began to die when it was cut off from the tree. Also the bark might have been peeled off in order to make a smooth staff. In a tree, the nutrition passes along channels buried in its bark, while the water travels within the trunk itself. Aaron had probably used that staff for forty years. The life was completely dried up. It is impossible for the staff to get life again. But God did it overnight. Even though the nutrition channels were gone, he does not need them to revive the life and bear the fruit.

Reviving Identity & Resuming its work:
The almond fruits were not green but already ripe. In the Hebrew language, the word for almond tree is derived from watching (see below). Now is the time to reap as Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work. Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then the harvest comes?’ Behold, I say to you, Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white to harvest already.” (John 4:34-35) I believe that the Lord is watching over BCW to reveal its true identity and resume its work of intercession, (watching over the nations) and mission in faith and by faith in order to stand between the living and the dead (Jeremiah 1:11-12). (שׁקד shâqad ; to be alert, that is, sleepless; hence to be on the lookout, hasten, remain, wake, watch (for).)

BCW & Wales

Rees Howells founded BCW in Wales, which was not a coincidence but God’s appointment. God showed him the place in Swansea, as he showed Moriah to Abraham.

Wales had many Revivals (or Awakenings), which impacted not only Wales but also so many nations around world. Particularly the 1904 Revival impacted over a dozens countries and Rees Howells himself was influenced by this Revival.

BCW was a great spiritual pillar or a hub in Wales for the world whether people realised it or not. The intercession of BCW turned world history around during the Second World War and overturned the UN’s first vote result on the birth of the nation of Israel in 1948.

Prayer and intercession never die. BCW intercessors’ prayers and intercessions are waiting to be answered for the world.

BCW & Israel & The Nations

God never changes his eternal plan and purpose even though human beings have made mistakes and fought against God from the Garden of Eden up to now. God has chosen Israel as a priest nation to serve and show God’s grace and mercy to rest of the nations. Jesus came to Israel as a Jew and he is coming back to Jerusalem. Our enemy has been trying to trample down Israel through out history as the Jebusites did. And he managed successfully to trample down Israel for almost 2000 years but God has restored. That shows God is faithful to his covenant with Israel and his eternal purpose.

Rees Howells understood the importance of Israel in God’s eternal purposes as a priest nation. So he prayed for Jews even before the nation was formed because he knew God was going to restore the nation according to the Prophets. We need to perceive the position and purpose of Israel not through the political lens but the Biblical.

For I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, lest you should be wise within yourselves; that blindness in part has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the nations has comes in. And so all Israel shall be saved; as it is written, "There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob. For this is My covenant with them, when I have taken away their sins." (Romans 11:25-27)

I believe continuous prayer for Israel is fundamental to what God wants to do on the BCW site.

The Nations: Rees Howells and his wife were missionaries in South Africa between 1915 – 1920. They knew God’s longing was to see his beautiful brides so they went to Africa. But God wanted them to start a school to make disciples like them when they come back from Africa in 1920. And they obeyed and discipled many Welsh young people as well as many other nationalities.

God cannot work out his eternal purposes through us if we do not act in faith and by faith. (By this I do not mean living without a job or with no income to rely on, I mean depending entirely on God and counting everything as His, regardless of our circumstances.) We can make an earthly effort but not a heavenly effect if we do not learn how to live by faith. Rees Howells and his staff taught faith living not only in a class room but also in their daily life. If we really want to win the world, we need to learn how to live by faith.

This is not a Project, it is about People

Aaron’s staff was not special but Aaron, the owner of the staff, was because he was chosen by God, although he was ordinary before God had called him. Abraham was ordinary but he became a father of nations. Rees Howells was an ordinary man but God used him in an extraordinary way because he committed himself to God totally in humility, purity and was committed to unity in the love of God.

Restoring the inheritance of Rees Howells, reclaiming the land of BCW and resuming the work of intercession and mission needs people who are not proud but humble; not with mixed motivation but pure hearts, and not coming to build up their own organisation or ministry, but to advance the Kingdom of God with God’s unfailing and unconditional love.

Preparation for the Last Days

7 years abundance and 7 years famine:
I think seven years abundance like Joseph’s is coming, or has already begun, and after that seven years severe famine is going to come. We need to build people and places which will provide the truth of God and the faith of God. Already the truth of God is opposed and persecuted by governments which used to have a basis of Christian principles. There are increasing restrictions on preaching the Gospel publicly in the UK. Some people have already lost their jobs and been sued because of sharing Gospel truths at work.

Famine of the truth of God: The flood of information has begun. This flood is getting bigger and faster. Because of that it is very difficult for us to find fresh and living water in the mist of this flood of information. This is not a thirst of food nor water but the truth of God.

Behold, the days come, says the Lord Jehovah, that I will send a famine in the land; not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD. And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east; they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it. In that day the beautiful virgins and the young men shall faint for thirst. (Amos 8:11-13)

The FORGE Vision

forge logo 2013 jan

 The FORGE Vision

"See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work." (Isaiah 54:16)

God has commissioned us to redeem the spiritural inheritance of Rees Howells and the land he once purchased and made the site of the Bible College of Wales, a place of intercession and training for the mission field.

Thankfully the Derwen Fawr site has been acquired by Cornerstone Community Church of Singapore rather than some commercial development enterprise. A local church has been established which is called LIBERTY church on the site since June in 2013 and a couple of buildings are being renovated. Meanwhile, the planning permission has been granted for the Sketty Isaf site of the property and it is still on the open market and a couple of groups are praying for the future plan of this site.

Now we, The FORGE, have been running an irregullar school of faith since December 2012. We are learning together the heart of God and the word of God for Israel and the nations; and also preparing workers for the mission field in these last days.

The picture God has given us is of a spiritual forge, where apprentices learn how to handle fire, water and metals and wrestle them into useful weapons, and where the apprentices are themselves forged through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit's fire to become useful tools in His hands.

This is war and war changes everything in our lives. We need to understand that we are at war and we are called to fight. Our weapons are not physical weapons and are different from this world's: the love of God and the word of God (2 Corinthians 10:4). These weapons are unfailing and invincible. We have to prepare for war; we have to beat ploughshares into swords and pruning hooks into spears (Joel 3:9-11).

If we are deceived by our enemy's deceptive peace, we will be disarmed like in king Saul's time. There was no blacksmith in Israel, so on the day of the battle not a soldier had a sword or spear in his hand; only Saul and his son Jonathan had them. (1 Samuel 13:19-22) Therefore we have to build The FORGE to make not only swords but also blacksmiths who know how to deal with iron, fire, water, air and ash in order to forge weapons of God.

forge logo 2013 jan

Forming the Vision

Losing the Word, Losing the Sword

When the Israelites came out of Egypt, they had weapons (See Exodus 13:18, 17:13). All through the era of Joshua and the Judges there was no shortage of swords (Judges 20:48, 21:10). But then they suddenly started to disappear. During the high priest Eli’s era the word of the Lord was ‘rare’ (1 Samuel 3:1), then the Ark of God was taken by the Philistines because they went to war with human ingenuity rather than with God’s instruction. First the word of God is lost, then the presence of God and finally they are deprived of physical weapons.

Losing the Blacksmiths
By the time Saul came to the throne, the situation was drastic: ‘on the day of battle not a soldier with Saul and Jonathan had a sword or spear in his hand; only Saul and Jonathan had them.’ (1 Samuel 13:22) Not a blacksmith could be found in the whole land of Israel at that time because the Philistines had said, “Otherwise the Hebrews will make swords or spears!” Perhaps the Philistines were smart. Perhaps they had targeted the blacksmiths by providing cheaper services themselves ‘so all Israel went down to Philistines to have their plough-shares, mattocks, axes and sickles sharpened.’ (1 Samuel 13:19-21) Or maybe they had persecuted them more directly. Either way, the Israeli blacksmiths had disappeared. Not only did the Philistines offer a good sharpening services, but they may well have also provided entertainment with the local women while they were waiting for their tools to be sharpened (See Samson in Judges 16:1,4).

The enemy’s strategy is so subtle; it does not say they killed the Israeli blacksmiths, but possibly they provided cheaper services and some pleasures while they were waiting. While the Israelites’ tools were being sharpened, their minds were being dulled. Eventually there were no more blacksmiths, and they are the ones who know how to forge not only farming tools but also swords and spears.

Raising up Spiritual Blacksmiths
The blacksmiths are the ones who get up early, start the fire, and dirty their hands. Our war is not to do with the physical sword but the sword of the Lord. God is training his spiritual blacksmiths who know how to handle the fire of God, and to forge the sword of the word. If we prepare the place now, by restoring BCW as a training ground for such apprentice blacksmiths to develop and use their skill, then in the time of famine of the word we will not be left defenceless.

‘“See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc; no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the LORD.’ (Isaiah 54:16-17)

Four Craftsmen & Four Horns
Four horns scattered Judah, Israel and Jerusalem but four craftsmen will have come to terrify and scatter them (Zechariah 1:18-21). We are living in the war. We have to prepare for it and to wake up the mighty men. Let all the men of war draw near, let them come up. We have to beat our ploughshares into swords, and our pruning hooks into spears (Joel 3:9-10).

Note: In Hebrew the words for blacksmith and craftsman are the same: ‘Kharash’ (חר : a fabricator of any material: - artificer, (+) carpenter, craftsman, engraver, maker, + mason, skilful, (+) smith, worker, workman, such as wrought).