
 Clarity to Cloud

(The Forge Newsletter_September_2024)


"In the second year, in the second month, on the twentieth day of the month, the cloud lifted from over the tabernacle of the testimony, and the people of Israel set out by stages from the wilderness of Sinai. And the cloud settled down in the wilderness of Paran." (Numbers 10:11-12)


Certainty hinders us from pursuing God, but uncertainty helps us to pursue him. Although we want certainty, this world is so cloudy and murky in politics, economy, media, education, religion, morality, sexuality, identity, relationship, and so on. Sometimes God allows these cloudy confusions so that we may pursue the absolute God of Israel. If we are sure, we don’t listen to God, but if we are in the formless, empty, and dark, we are searching and attentive to listen to the Creator. 

"The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1:2)


2024 09_cloud1. God uses cloud guide instead of clear signpost
Their departure date was very clear: in the second year, in the second month, on the 20th. But why didn’t God use clear signposts in the wilderness instead of the cloud? Often our decision making rests on what we see, but faith comes from hearing, not seeing. When Paul was seeing, he listened to the visible religious leaders and prosecuted the believers. However, his blindness stopped him and pushed him beyond his understanding. God might use our cloudy situation to stop us, so that we might listen to him from above. When we listen to him, he transforms our mind and transfers us to go beyond what we can see.

2. Our clarity blinds us but the cloud opens us up
Our clarity blinds us from seeing what God has prepared and binds us from going beyond our own horizons. God releases us into our destiny through the cloud, and he takes us beyond our imaginations. God called Moses into the thick cloud in order to reveal himself, his plan and release his words while the Israelites were in the wilderness of Sinai. (Exodus 20:21)

3. The cloudy situation is not comfortable but helps us
When the cloudy situation comes upon us to cover our eyes and to stop our way, it is not always comfortable. But it might give us rest and preparing time for the next journey. God uses the cloudy situation to lead us where he wants us to be and to mould us whom he wants us to be.

4. God spoke in the cloud
2024 09_black mountain_cloudIn July 2012, one day God called me to come up to the Black Mountain. It was foggy and drizzling. When I went up one of the peaks, Disgwylfa, I couldn’t see anything for the foggy cloud. God asked me, “ What can you see?”, then I said, “I can see nothing.” Then he told me, “Now you start the Forge School by faith!” Even though we had no idea, no money, no people and no building, we launched our first school in December 2012 by faith. Faith doesn’t come from where we can see, but it comes from where we cannot see through listening. Even now, we cannot see many things, but God is leading us through the cloud-like situation with His Word. Therefore deeper trust in God is required. 



[ Prayer & Intercession ]


2024 09_serpant1. Pray for Israel : No Compromise
On 9th September, I had a dream. In that dream I saw a few huge serpents in our pond and under the ground. I was really scared but I couldn’t get rid of them. Then someone went down to the serpents’ tunnel and made a peace agreement. After that I had temporary peace, but I knew it was wrong and they would return to attack. I prayed that God would release his fire to burn them away. Then, on that day, I shared the dream in a meeting, I realised straight away that it describes the current situation in Israel.

About a year ago, Israel’s political situation was very cloudy until 7th October. After Hamas’ attack, it was very clear for Israel to rescue the hostages and to eliminate Hamas. Most Israelis were one in unity for that. However, now Israelis are divided again to cry out their own voice in each group. Some voices are saying that the Gaza Hamas war has rescued Benjamin Netanyahu from his political mess and corruption. But now everyone needs to kneel before the God of Israel. Israel should confess her own sins and repent of her own ways. Otherwise there is no hope in herself. In Jeremiah's time, God allowed the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonians because of unrepentant sins. * (God gave me this song after the October 7th attack: Where were You?)

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)


2. God controls all and is above all
2024 09_raisi.deathAfter their visit to Azerbaijan, on returning to Iran, 19th May 2024, Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian were killed in a helicopter crash for the severe weather(cloud?). Raisi, a hard-liner, had been viewed as a protégé of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and some analysts believed he could even replace the supreme leader when the ayatollah dies or steps down. No one expected their death but God knew and their time was up. We don’t know whether they made any agreement between Iran and Azerbaijan at their meeting, but God took them away.

Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.” (Psalms 2:12)


[ News Update ]


1. Ladies Forge
Seungae and Bridget initiated Ladies Forge last year in July and it was an amazing time. Also this year they prayed and held a second one in June. Some local ladies came and one lady from Uganda. God touched deeply one of them and has given her a transformed heart.


2. TMM(The Music Messenger)
Professor Kim Ae-ja and her busband Seong-moon Cho, who used to serve as missionaries in Wales, mobilized classical musicians and intercessors from the United States, Japan, and Germany to bless Wales for 10 days in June. We provided driving, and also accommodation for one couple. In particular, it was truly beautiful to see the people quietly serving behind the scenes and the missionaries in Wales working together to serve with all their might.


3. Visit to Korea
In July, our family visited Korea for three and half weeks. Even though it was really hot and humid, it was a lovely time to see my 93 year old mum and relatives and friends.


2024 09_cftn4. Celebration for the Nations
We had to come back to Wales on 1st August because of the Celebration for the Nations that started on 5th August. Bridget and I had some responsibilities looking after 60 participants who came from Korea. It was busy but we were so grateful. We all felt that the spiritual temperature has risen noticeably. So the leaders were all agreed to hold the Celebration next summer in Wales again. There will be Celebration for the Nations on 6th - 12th August 2025 at Selwyn Samuel Centre in Llanelli, South Wales. ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )


5. Good Shepherd Mission team

2024 09_gsm

6 people came down from London to evangelise in Wales. They came last year and there were fruits among young people. So some of them had visited Wales again inbetween to encourage the young people. This year they stayed at Forge house and led another great week of outreach with the young people. Bridget and Noah were involved and served the mission team and local young people for a week. Now more teenagers are connected to a local church and in fact, the church are now running the Youth Alpha Course every week.


2024 09_chess_tent6. CHESS camp
We are still home educating our younger son Yohan(12). So this year again, we had an opportunity to join CHESS(Christian Home Education Support Service) family camp. It was lovey to spend time with other home educating christian parents and children. We shared, prayed and played together. It’s really encouraging.


7. Visiting Romania
2024 09_romaniaYou may remember that I met a Romanian grandma in London Victoria Coach station last February. God brought us together in an amazing way and she visited our house in May for three days. I am going to Romania to celebrate her 85th birthday on 15th September.

(After my journey to Romania…)
I took three flights and took 20 hours when I flew out to Romania. Also I took four flights and took 17 hours when I returned home. I faced a few things which I didn’t expect, but I gratefully overcame all by the grace of God. After all I couldn’t see the elderly lady, but I met a Korean retired missionary couple. They welcomed me to stay and fed me for two days. We had lovely fellowship and visited together the lady’s town. Although we found her apartment, there was nobody. So I posted her birthday card and presents. I am so grateful that I was able to go with obedience, even though right now I cannot see the full picture of God.   


8. Journey with brother J.
I met a young man who recently returned to his home town from 4 years away. I know his parents well. One day as we were talking, he expressed that he wants to grow spiritually. Also he has been praying earnestly everyday for revival among young people. So we started Bible Meditation and Prayer & Praise journey every morning. Of course I have already been meeting another local friend three days a week. I am so grateful to be their ground, so that they may be rooting down into Jesus deeply.


9. Owen & Seungae’s visit to Korea
Owen & Seungae are visiting Korea for a while to spend time with her elderly parents and will pursue the journey to have a baby. 


10. Buying a family House
God told us that the house is coming, so we don’t need to go out to hunt for the house but wait for God’s leading. We are praying for the faith and finances to make this possible.


11. The Forge School of Faith
Although a couple of people inquired of the school, we don’t have any school plan at the moment. Because last February, God told us to put it on the altar. So we did it. Interestingly God is bringing more short term individuals to journey together.


2024 09_phones12. My mobile phone was broken but revived like new
I have been using Samsung Galaxy Note 9 mobile phone for a few years. One day I dropped it on a sharp pebbled ground. The front glass was shattered, so I sent it to Korea as my friends went to Korea. With a couple of friends’ help, it came back within two weeks. Also the front camera’ fog symptom has gone and power connecter has been replaced. I am using it like a new phone. I was very annoyed on that day but I am really grateful now. So, brokenness is not always bad thing, because it might bring a wonderful thing.



2023 06_mathewvivien* Mathew Toller’s book & Vivien Firth’s book have been published

- Rabbi Mathew has published a powerful testimonial book: “Grace Undone” on Amazon. (click here)

- Vivien’s a testimonial faith journey book: “A Living Legacy” on Amazon. (click here)


2019 09_tmrwnvrcm* Qday Music Album: “Tomorrow Never Comes!”

1. Tomorrow Never Comes!
2. The Only Way
3. Beginning & End
4. Enough
5. The Most Beautiful Thing
6. Set Free
7. Let Your Kingdom Come
8. Like A Rock
9. Where were You?


Shalom Shalom!

Qday LEE

(+44) 7870 653157

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