The Fourth Estate and Burden For The Jews


Strategic Prayer Warfare

One form that this prayer warfare took was intercession on a national and international level concerning anything that effected world evangelism. Every Creature must hear; therefore, the doors must be kept open. Their prayers became strategic. They must face and fight the enemy wherever he was opposing freedom to evangelise.

God was preparing an instrument - a company to fight world battles on their knees.

To the right is Dr. Priddy, a staff member who put his call to the mission field on the altar to serve as an intercessor for the nations.

Over the next several years, Rees Howells led the College into a path of intercession and prayer warfare on international levels. These prayers included the crisis with the Rhineland, Ethiopia, Dunkirk, the Battle of Britain, Russia, North Africa, Italy, D-Day, and the intercession for the establishment of the State of Israel.

The Fourth Estate and Burden For The Jews

After reading the proclamation by Italy on September 3, 1938, that all the Jews must clear out of Italy within six months and with anti-Semitism so fierce in Germany, a heavy burden for the Jewish people began to rest upon Rees Howells.

A burden to see the Jews return to their land rested upon Rees Howells.

He saw the need for them to go back to their homeland, which was promised to them by God.

A burden to purchase a fourth estate for Jewish refugees came upon the founder, and the Lord showed him Penllergaer Estate. The estate consisted of 270 acres, and within the grounds was a waterfall and observatory; it would cost nothing less than £20,000.

After another battle with a syndicate, the college was offered the estate; the price was £20,000 and in hand there was nothing!

This dwarfed the previous purchases of faith, but God had so led him on through the years that, where we might think the test would be tremendous, and it was, yet, as one student said, "He bought Penllergaer with less fuss than many a man makes in buying a suit of clothes!"

The newspapers reported this 'City of refuge in Wales for Jewish children.' The London newspapers gave it headlines also.

The War Hinders The Work

After receiving twelve Jewish children, war was declared on Germany, and because the College saw this as a massive unexpected political shift, plans had to be changed. The Jewish refugees could no longer enter Britain.

It was another hard test to see the estate bought by prayer and faith alone; then the war came, and they could not take the Jewish children.

The Lord told them that they would have thousands of pounds out of it to use for the Kingdom. The M.O.D. commandeered the mansion during the war for the use by American troops. At the end of the war, the mansion was offered to a children's charity, who refused it because of the cost of its upkeep.

Many years later Samuel Howells sold it and put the money into the Kingdom. Today the Penllergaer council owns the land, and on the site of the mansion now stands their main office buildings. The grounds are open for the public to walk in. Below are some pictures of the grounds today, the waterfall, river, and observatory.


23rd December 2011

It was so good to meet you at Northampton. We were twins in red, weren't we! 3 days later we went to Madeira for a week, very conscious that the Lord met Rees Howells deeply there. We discovered that the Lord wanted us there to pray into a specific situation which took place there in the 1840's - a protestant missionary who was persecuted for bringing the Good News there, and converts who were condemned to death. So, some specific identificational repentance and forgiveness, the Lord was so good.

Even though we probably won't be able to come over and join you for any of your meetings, we still feel a heart connection with you, and of course the heart of intercession that Rees Howells carried. and would love to be kept on your mailing list so we can pray.

Blessings to you, your wife and your family, and Christmas greetings to you

With love

David and Rachel

20th December 2011

Thank you for the “Sound from Silence”. In our last prayer meeting for Israel the silence born of God touched each of us. No one wanted to move just to rest in the peace of the moment I pray that we will all be still enough to hear what God wants as we come to the end of another year and move into His purposes for the New Year.

I will continue to pray and hopefully get down to Wales in New year at some point.

Have a wonderful Christmas, I am sure Noah will be getting excited!



17th December 2011

I was very blessed by your newsletter and it was lovely to see you and your family with a date palm in the background, I assume that the picture was taken in Israel.

I shared with you that I watched a movie last Thursday about the 1973 Yom Kippur war. In that war Israel lost nearly 3,000 men and over 7,000 were wounded, 19 MIA's and over 300 POWs. The movie affected me very deeply because I understood what happens to the decision making processes in a nation that does not know it's Messiah and that does not have its arms upheld in prayer.

The name of the movie is: The Silence of the Sirens. This is an Israeli film. "Sirens" in this case are the loud signals that Israel was receiving regarding the movements of the enemy in September-October, 1973, but instead of acknowledging those loud signals, Israel completely ignored them, played deaf and put her head in the sand. Israel had won a major victory in the 1967 war, it was a miraculous war, one which I believe through the Book of Daniel and Luke, was even prophesied to the very year. Due to Israel's miraculous victory in 1967, Israel had pride and thought that none of the Arab nations surrounding her would come up against her, that they thought in their minds that they would be wiped out by us. The Arab nations had been humiliated by Israel in 1967, though, and they had a spiritual hatred which Israel does not seem to understand, not even until this day, Israel has no clue that this is a spiritual war.

Anyhow, Israel was gravely mistaken in her estimate and assessments in October 1973 and it cost the lives of several thousand soldiers and the psychological welfare of thousands of soldiers who were wounded and lost their best friends. Israel's pride kept her from understanding the loud signals in 1973 that were so clear they were like sirens but... she could not hear because of pride as well as a political agenda and humanistic thinking that had set in.

So, having seen the movie, The Silence of the Sirens on Thursday and having read your update today, I find it very interesting and am truly blessed. I have a take home quiz regarding the film that I saw and so I have been thinking about these things all weekend long. The movie could be called The Silence of the Blaring Sound because sirens make a deafening, blaring sound and it's almost impossible to not hear them unless one is deaf. Israel had her head in the sand in 1973 and was practically deaf to truth, she was deceived. So, in the light of seeing this movie several times over the past few days and thinking about how so many signals could be totally ignored and rejected by Israel, I found your insight regarding Sound from Silence truly revelatory.

May the Lord Bless you and your family abundantly in these days and may He cause all those who look for His Coming to be true listeners that we may understand the signs of the times and heed His voice alone.

In Messiah Yeshua,

from Israel

"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay." (Habakkuk 2:3)

14th December 2011

Greetings from Nazareth. N*** a friend of mine from Jerusalem is going to be visiting Wales in this coming few days. She mentioned to me she will be seeing you too. I have asked her to ask people in Wales about if Llanelli is considered a womb city in the spirit? Also I'm interested to sow a seed into Wales. So please send me the info on how I can do this.

Thanks & blessings,

Nazareth, Israel


7th December 2011

Have just read the whole story and even hearing the first part in Israel at the Feast of Tabernacles moved me to tears and likewise I felt moved to tears once more, I do not know why but I guess it is a God thing and I know I need to seek His face further about this as I felt that I would definitely be going to Wales after Israel.  So I am just going to pray when.  There was a little lady from Wales at the conference and I feel that I will need to contact her to stay with her to pray, so I will be seeking God for when this is to be in the New Year.  I will be praying up to that time into the links that I felt in my spirit with your vision. I am part of a county by county pray vision for the U.K.

Which started in York three years ago and has spread to Lancashire after the first year and is now going to Lincoln next year and also Durham county.

Also in Israel this year God gave me a connection with South Africa where Rees Howells went as Missionary.  I would like to share the story with you as in someway I feel it is significant. 

My heart is fired with your vision and I am praying for it now each day and for you as a couple that you will be guided each step of the way to reclaim the land and the heritage for the Kingdom of God for this critical time in history.

With Love and prayers

Reverend Vivien Firth

Secretary for the National Executive of UK Prayer Conferences.

1st December 2011

Thank you once again for this wonderful insightful letter; I felt especially the Lord's desire to restore a school to the heart of the ministry of BCW for children; I believe it is because He wants the witness of BCW to remain significant to today; and on site you will have many teachers as well as apprentices, as well as senior teachers/overseers, so it is very possible from such a strength to raise up children in the fear and nurture of the Lord which was such a major part of Rees Howell's ministry

I am very thankful for you showing the details concerning Jericho; I have for long time been aware of the increased presence of Russians in London, I prefer not to detail.... time is short is all I can say, it is not new, it has been gradually happening.....

Lord has shown me over recent events although of course the individuals are relevant, the venue is the most relevant; there is a limited result that can arise from a major meeting in Berlin which takes place in the Gates of Pergamon; the evidences of stronghold to the Kingdom of God are all too prevalent, but where God's people recognise and intercede He can move mountains and bring change and that is what marks out BCW so specially and necessary for His purposes for such a time as this. It has a heritage of deliverance and blessing, uncontested although in some ways overlooked.... yes there have been major matters of abandonment, ie Israel, but GOd in his great mercy has not allowed there to be an ongoing presence of His love, His mercy and His grace and prayer for Israel. Is the latter still going on there?

BCW continues to be a place of deliverance if we can proceed to occupy and raise up the songs and prayers of deliverance essential for such a time as this, without every adequacy desirable to man.

Praying re this weekend and email you later today.

God bless,


21st November 2011

When Row and I waited on the Lord about BCW we asked Him what we were to pray. We were constantly drawn to Nehemiah and the walls that were in disrepair and the burnt gates. So each morning when we pray together and now most nights when we’re in together we focus on praying for the Lord’s hedge of protection around BCW and the vision remembering the hedge of protection that was initially around Job and from Zechariah that the Lord will be a wall of fire around it as He is around Jerusalem,

During our last visit to BCW we saw a fox in the grounds so from Song of Songs we pray that the Lord will catch the little foxes that are eating the vine.

As to the actual vision and the practical outworking of it, in other words what will it all look like, we don’t know yet. Interestingly last night I had a dream from the Lord which had a personal nature related to BCW but I need to explore it’s meaning further with the Lord and then if it has a wider context share it later perhaps.

Anyway be assured we are seriously praying…….

Finally I’ll be very pleased to organise the tea and coffee etc for the next meeting


Gail R.

12th November 2011

Last week I almost thought about you every day. So your email came unexpected, but on the right time.

By the way Qday, the reason that I was thing about you was, that I believe that your name is important, but I really don’t know the meaning of your prophetic name. Is it prophetic?

And Ebenezer Operation Exodus asked me to speak the 26th of November on their family day about the vision, the buildings, and..... Of the bible college in Wales. I want to share about you and your vision. Better was that you did it yourself, but I can ask.

But I also remembered our meeting in Jerusalem and I was surprised how powerful you speaks, wow!!! What a passion and the Holy Spirit was in your speaking!

We pray and bless the child which will born. This ‘Samuel’ will be a blessing for you. I mentioned Samuel, because of the meaning of the name and because of the prayer of Hannah!.

Please, let’s stay in contact. Also Loves from Inge.

Blessings in Yeshua,

Jack, Netherlands

7th November 2011

Just been watching the news concerning UK, France and Germany: history is repeating itself. If God does allow our economy and Europe's to crash, we will probably have riots again. Last year in Wales, God showed me a vision of riots in UK. It was frightening, but at the same time people were preaching the love of God and hell. John Mulinde also gave a word which I passed onto Bridget about UK arising and shining.

I been seeing some things and can't say for definite, but Rees Howlles was raised up to pray for Germany in the war time. History repeats itself and I pray that we don't find ourselves in war, but the same conditions that led France to have a bloody revolution are happening again. When the riots happened in Liverpool, I was preaching towards the end of it. God opened my spiritual eyes and I could see almost everybody demon possessed. Teenagers were doing sexual things in the middle of the street with no care at all, people were walking passed with blood all over their faces from fighting and enjoying it, others were crying in fear, etc. Before UK had a bloody revolution, God raised up John Wesley and we had revival.

I sensing an urgency in the spirit for people to rise up like never before. Joel 1, in spiritual type, says that if God's spiritual Israel the Church will cry out to God, He will raise up trumpets and as they lift up their voice and people hear, we will have revival, restoration and the latter rain. Every time God's church has done these things, we have had revival. The word you gave about spiritual blacksmiths keeps coming to mind, and I know the enemy does not want people rising up. I have found that when people do rise up in spirit and in truth, disunity among the body results. I sense that with the BCW, there will be a separation and sifting before things come into fruition fully.

The bible says in Jeremiah 23:32 that lightness causes people's hearts to err. Before something is birthed, there must come the labour pains and purging fire. God will not commit Himself to a work fully that contains mixture. Unless there is purity, individually and collectively, His presence does not come in power. Please keep me in prayer as I seek the Lord as I am feeling my weakness. I know God meets us in our weakness, magnifying His strength, but I not where I once was. I need a fresh anointing.

With everything happening in Israel too, it is time for us to arise and shine, stand in the gap and become fully selfless through the cross.

"But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins." (1 Peter 4:7-8)

Love you brother,

John Sh.

4th November 2011

Wow Qday this is wonderful and truly amazing. It is prophetic all the way and the gifts coming from the nations in different currencies all identifying with the fruitful land of Rees Howell's life and commitment to The Land. I also believe very much that the blessings flowing in Israel as they have, and especially because of Mount Carmel are because of Rowland Evans. I trust he has received this latest bulletin; i remember saying that to him when we met to speak earlier this year and again during the Celebration. I believe the sacrifice of Rowland of the land at Mount Carmel to the ministry now there, is producing a mighty treasury for BCW to be redeemed by the Lord. Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord.



 1st November 2011

Thanks so much for remembering to send me these. I look forward to reading each email carefully and will forward to Peter as well. It was such a tremendous blessing to have you and Bridget and Noah with us!! These are such critical days and we felt such a depth of connection in the Spirit. Our doors are always open to you.

With love in Yeshua,

Rita from Mt Carmel

20th September 2011

Thank you for the news letter's, they have been a blessing to me.

Recently as I was walking, God laid it upon my heart urgently to prophesy concerning BCW declaring that it shall be bought and given to the purposes of God. I sensed in the Spirit an urgency not to get slack over the vision, but also not to rush ahead of God.

It was encouraging to hear your story. God been laying upon my heart similar things concerning all of my Christian walk. The verse I keep getting in my spirit is, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." Our part is to simply listen to God and obey exactly according to His pattern, and He will bring all the rest together: the right men, the finance, the pattern for the school, the lessons, etc. A daily devotion spoke to my heart -

To be faithless in duty is to lose all the blessing which is promised to those who are loyal and true. No matter how perilous the duty that comes to you, you cannot decline it save at your own peril. The only safe way in lifes thronging field is straight on in the path of duty. No duty, however perilous or hard, should be feared half so much as failure in the duty. Stand where Christ places you, and be simply true - that is all. Make no effort to be great. The greatest thing possible to you any day is faithfulness. Only be faithful. He requires no more of the highest angel in glory. - In Green Pastures

Praise the Lord! God called me down to Wales on the 17th September and confirmed it with a rainbow miraculously! Hallelujah!

Recently, I went to Heath hospital in Wales to have a toothe pulled. I cant go into too much detail, but I saw some things happening in the Spirit (the enemy's plans for the nations is wicked'). These fume like clouds were covering the area, dark clouds started to form and whatever was under it was like a zombie, confused, dead and passive. Everyone seemed to be absent minded. God kept telling me to stay my mind upon Him, keep looking to Him, keep my soul in rest and live by the Spirit in my inner man. As I did, it was like fragrance going up before God and things started to break.

When I finally came out of the hospital, I had really believed and entered into rest, I was filled with joy as God had taught me different things, I turned around and the dark cloud had disappeared over the hospital and there was a thick rainbow over the sky. I took a picture of it! Praise the Lord! I love God: He is good.

As I looked at it, God filled me with a holy excitement and I danced in the street. God said to me, "I have not forgotten my promise and will send revival." I believe it is even going to effect hospitals.

I believe the 17th and 18th, for some reasons I am not entirely sure of, are significant dates. Ever since my time in Cardiff, God has spoke much about these dates. Just something to keep in mind. If you want, let me know and I send you the word for Wales God gave me.

Keep pressing on, keep looking up and don't grow weary in well doing - were gonna reap in due season!

Love you much in Him,

John Sh.


 16th August 2011

It is not what I THINK but WHAT DOES THE HOLY SPIRIT want YOU to do? However, as a friend, much of what is written is A MIXTURE. God has NOT called you to be a business man with a business plan ...
(though I understand the thinking behind it) BUT what has begun in the Spirit is drifting into the flesh
What has GOD told YOU to do? What are the firm and solid foundations?

Your servant, friend and brother, with much love and charity,



6th September 2011

In reaction of your request I felt that the Lord (as your already mentioned in your enclosure) wanted something to do. You also sought for utterances. And the Lord did see your willing heart.

It is true, you have seen well Qday that you said "we need to move". Or else it has a backsliding effect. Keep listening to the Spirit as you do when promises and His timing are crossing each other. During prayer this morning the Lord has shown me the following and He said to encourage you with this about the following.

It is time to 'buy' BCW. The Lord , as He did in the past, will send you the amounts. Walk in faith as Jesus said "Fortunate are those who do not see but believe". Even when you feel tested in your faith, stay in it as a Samuël who knew that it is possible even on the last day.

In faith and the Lord will pay. Call upon the Lord that He will bind the ruler behind all of this just as in Daniel 10: 13 ,about the ruler behind the Persian empire. Until all plans are frustrated of the enemy. He will let you know through His Spirit when this is accomplished.

Secondly; There are some in your group whom The Lord did not put in the place of prayer and serving for the sake of the BCW. This maybe shocking but The Lord tells me it concerns both. The Lord wants you Qday to act towards these people because The Lord appoints people and does not ask of people to appoint themselves as a Tobia in the temple and Nehemiah (Neh.chapter 13) did not allowed this to happen.

Do not look at the number of people because there is always a Holy remnant the Lord uses.

Maybe it does not feel encouraging at all at his moment, but in fact it shows how the Lord cares deeply about where you stand in all of this. It confirms His passion to guide us further in His perfect plan for which He wants to use you in the first place. In fact, encouraging is guidance.

with love to you and Bridget,

Sandra, Netherlands


 6th September 2011

Thank you so much for your kindness towards me during my days in Swansea. My second day in Swansea I again went to the Bible Collage. I asked some people abut the location and the bus and everyone was well aware of the place. I then took the bus up there and when the bus driver told me where to step off the people in the bus went quiet and observed me with feelings like "doesn't she know that it is closed" or "who is she, are they going to open again". It seemed like everyone where concerned.

I spent some hours in the garden and around the house, praying out what was on my heart and walking the area over and over. I meet no person. The presence of the Lord is strong over the site and there is an anointing for sustained prayer in the ground. It was very hard to leave. I prayed out a wish that that the Lord shall keep the place to serve Him and his people in the future. This petition came out in many ways during the time I spent there.

I will sincerely thank you and your family.

May the Lord let His word fill you!

Eva, Sweden


 31st August 2011

I sent a text to you today about 7.10am with a word from the Lord for you (a Scripture) from Ezra 4:1-5 which I received at 7am.

1 When the enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that the exiles were building a temple for the Lord , the God of Israel, 2 they came to Zerubbabel and to the heads of the families and said, "Let us help you build because, like you, we seek your God and have been sacrificing to him since the time of Esarhaddon king of Assyria, who brought us here." 3 But Zerubbabel, Joshua and the rest of the heads of the families of Israel answered, "You have no part with us in building a temple to our God. We alone will build it for the Lord , the God of Israel, as King Cyrus, the king of Persia, commanded us." 4 Then the peoples around them set out to discourage the people of Judah and make them afraid to go on building. 5 They bribed officials to work against them and frustrate their plans during the entire reign of Cyrus king of Persia and down to the reign of Darius king of Persia.

I felt I was to send it on to you immediately (I don't enjoy texting) and I obeyed - hence it took me 10 minutes! I hope you got it brother. This email is just a confirmation of the word as it is VERY important in relation to your call to redeem the land for His purposes.

God bless,



30th August 2011

I have been praying about the BCW in the hope of gaining clarity about this matter. I feel the Lord has shown me the importance of 'covenant'. I think the battle over the land of BCW is the Lords, His battle, to retain His land, for His purposes. However I think there is a covenant regarding this land that someone maybe Rees or Samuel Howells, I have no idea who, entered into with the lord regarding this site, that the Lord intends to honour. When I read your newsletter about Israel today it reminded me of Gods covenant with His people and anyone who supports Israel. So I just thought I would share this with you.

Do you know if you are the only Christian who has proposals for this site. Are you aware of any other Christians who may have interest or plans that differ from yours, or maybe its just you and the developers.

I will continue to pray about both the BCW and the situation in Israel. The information about the election on the 20 September for the creation of a Palestinian Authority in Israel is something I had no idea about.

I will seek the Lords guidance about the fast.

God bless you and your family

Liz T.


28th August 2011

My heart is very much with you in every way that the Bible College is to be redeemed for the Lord’s business of prayer and also Israel. I have spoken with our mutual friend Jan Willem various times about it since he came to share at the Welsh Day of Repentance last year.

I would love to be included in any group working towards the redemption of this prophetic and prayer-soaked college.

Many blessings

Brenda Taylor


7th August 2011

Please keep me informed of development re BCW.
I too would like to see the site kept for Christian purposes such as intercession.
I was student at BCW 1968-70 (name David Hong) and have served as missionary/pastor for 37 years.

David Yan, New Zealand

25th August 2011

Please read email below which I posted on to you in April. Having read it again today, I felt promoted to send it on again.

In my prayers

Fellow labourer, Mat

To: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;
Subject: Captain of the Ship - Buying old BCW grounds
Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 14:24:11 +0100

'Leader of men'

Just to let you know that I FULLY support your call to buy the old BCW land and believe that it should be in Christian hands - your hands, as you have been called of God to redeem them for His purposes.

You are the Captain of the ship and the Captain is the TOP man of any ship with many people under him. Each and every final decision is yours as led of the Holy Spirit (though others will give input, good and bad, some will speak via the Spirit of God, others will not) and may He give you perfect peace in all things. BEWARE of there being a mutiny amongst the group that eventually comes together. You are the Captain under the Captain of the Lord of Hosts; you are the TOP man and have been called to the Kingdom for such a time as this. I believe people will try to usurp your authority and take the helm in this quest, but take charge, because YOU are the man for this job.

Your friends, fellow labourer and servant,


30th July 2011

I've been considering once again, this weekend, how the battle is surely won and lost in the heavenlies. Thinking again, of that confidence to pray and press in as Rees Howells did. To win in the secret place and to confidently wait on the LORD for his outcome. May the LORD help me, help each one of us to enter into this place again, in His throne room, to request his mercy, his grace, in every situation.

D*** from Israel

12th July 2011

Have just read the whole story and even hearing the first part in Israel at the Feast of Tabernacles moved me to tears and likewise I felt moved to tears once more, I do not know why but I guess it is a God thing and I know I need to seek His face further about this as I felt that I would definitely be going to Wales after Israel.  So I am just going to pray when.  There was a little lady from Wales at the conference and I feel that I will need to contact her to stay with her to pray, so I will be seeking God for when this is to be in the New Year.  I will be praying up to that time into the links that I felt in my spirit with your vision. I am part of a county by county pray vision for the U.K.

Which started in York three years ago and has spread to Lancashire after the first year and is now going to Lincoln next year and also Durham county.  

Also in Israel this year God gave me a connection with South Africa where Rees Howells went as Missionary.  I would like to share the story with you as in someway I feel it is significant. 

My heart is fired with your vision and I am praying for it now each day and for you as a couple that you will be guided each step of the way to reclaim the land and the heritage for the Kingdom of God for this critical time in history.

With Love and prayers

Reverend Vivien Firth

Secretary for the National Executive of UK Prayer Conferences.




 A Brief History of the FORGE

blacksmith ok


  •  2009 January: Beginning to Stand on grounds of BCW (seeding)

  •  2010 January: Two more years (germinating)

  •  2010 December: Received word and dream (rooting)

  •  2011 January: Trip to Israel (sprouting)

  •  2011 March: Attending ECI in Brussells (confirming)

  •  2011 April: The FORGE meeting started (exploring)

  •  2011 August: Trip to Israel with a Korean team (encouraging)

  •  2011 October: Trip to Israel, the Feast of Tabernacles (standing)

  •  2011 November: 3 Day Prayer & Fasting for Israel in England (expanding)

  •  2012 July: Held a National Day of Prayer
  •  2012 December: Two week long 'The Forge School of Faith' started
  •  2012. March 31 - "Go back to the beginning!" at Penllergaer
  •  2012. April 1 - "Place all on the altar!" at Blue Room at BCW
  •  2013 April 19 - May 17: The Forge School of Faith 2 in Wales & the Middle East
  •  2013 October 5 - November 5: The Forge School of Faith 3 in Wlaes & the Middle East
  •  2013 December - 2014 February: The Youth Forge School of Faith in Wales
  •  2014 March - April: The Forge School of Faith 4 in Wales & the Middle East
  •  2014 April 17: "Find a 7 bedroom house. I will support you!" from F & J
  •  2014 April 20: "What do you need?" "Let's buy the house!" from J
  •  2014 June 30: Moved out from our old house and moved in a new 7 bedroom house
  •  2014 September 30: The 7 bedroom house purchase completed
  •  2014 September - October: The Forge School of Faith 5 in Wales & the Middle East
  •  2015 January 10 - February 9: The mini Forge School of Faith in Wales & the Middle East
  •  2015 April 20 - May 5: The Forge School of Faith 6 in Wales & the Middle East


 A Brief History of BCW (Bible College of Wales)

blacksmith ok


  • 1924 – BCW was founded by Rees Howells
  • 1950 – BCW was taken over by Samuel Howells
  • 2002 – BCW was taken over by Alan Scotland
  • 2006 – Glynderwen House (the first property Rees Howells bought) was closed down and sold.
  • 2009 – BCW site was closed down and the college became Trinity School of Theology (TST) and moved to Rugby in England. Also ‘Rees Howells Trust’ became ‘Global Horizons Trust’.

  • 2012 - BCW Derwen Fawr site is purchased by Cornerstone Church from Singapore on 21st December.
  • 2013 - Renovation and reconstruction started by Cornerstone Church
  • 2013 - Weekly Prayer and Intercession started on Tuesday at Derwen Fawr
  • 2013 - Liberty church meeting started
  • 2015 May - Bible College of Wales Rededication Ceremony
  • 2015 September - Bible School will be run


Current Status of BCW Sites

Swansea Community Church, which had been using some of the buildings on the Bible College's Derwen Fawr site, is no longer using the conference hall as a meeting place, because Cornerstone Church from Singapore completed the purchase of the Derwen Fawr site on Friday 21st December 2012. But the other site, Sketty Isaf is still on the market.


 Why was BCW closed down?
The primary reason for the closure was financial viability. The site has become too expensive to maintain and run, and was no longer viable in its existing use. The core facilities have now relocated to alternative premises in Rugby which are much more centrally located for access from students across the country and worldwide.” (quoted from the Local Development Application made by Global Horizons Trust and King Sturge for the BCW sites)

Closing down BCW and transferring the inheritance

For the reasons stated above, the decision was taken to close down the BCW sites, transfer the students and staff to Rugby and form the Trinity School of Theology. This college and other projects are now run by the Global Horizons Trust. Their intention is to use funds from the sale and re-development of the land to invest in projects around the world.

s been on the market since TST was inaugurated in Rugby and a property developer, King Sturge, and Global Horizons Trust have agreed to develop the BCW ground as a residential area containing 40 new houses. Now a Local Development Plan Candidate Site Notice has been placed at the BCW front gate by Swansea Council. Copies of the application with all relevant details are available on request

Prophectic Words

Prophectic Words

Biblical Background

Biblical Background for this Visi0n

blacksmith ok

Why do we want to hold onto Rees Howells’ inheritance; its Land?

Some people are saying to me, “If Rees Howells’ inheritance is important, why do you insist on the BCW grounds. Can you not restore his inheritance and resume the vision somewhere else?” Maybe we could, but Rees Howells and many other people have already laid their lives in intercession and faith work on that site. In other words, they have laid a deep foundation of intercession and faith there. For me personally the most important thing was not the inheritance, nor the ground itself, but God’s word. Between the end of 2008 and the beginning of 2009, God put in my heart to go to the BCW ground to stand on it every Sunday. That was just the beginning of my exploratory journey of obedience in faith. Now I understand how important the land is in terms of spiritual heritage and history. This is what God has revealed to me about the importance of the land.

Land is God’s inheritance: Moriah in Jerusalem (Genesis 22)

Moriah in Jerusalem was an ordinary mountain but somehow God chose it for his eternal purpose. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son Isaac at Moriah although he was living in Beersheba at that time. Through Abraham’s obedience Moriah became a holy mountain; i.e. Abraham laid a faith foundation there.

However, some time later the Jebusites came to live in Jerusalem. Until David, no-one was able to dislodge the Jebusites from Jerusalem. Joshua could not, nor could the tribes of Judah and Benjamin during the time of the Judges (Joshua 15:63, Judges 1:8, 21). King Saul also failed to move them (2 Samuel 5:6-7). They lived there firmly and confidently although David conquered the rest of the land of Canaan. Finally David did conquer Jerusalem and he built his palace in Zion but he did not take Moriah. Even when David had established his kingdom in Jerusalem, the Jebusite, Arauna (or Ornan, meaning “strong”) still occupied Moriah and used it as a threshing-floor.

The enemy is so subtle. They never moved but firmly stayed and occupied the place where Abraham had been willing to sacrifice his son, and did sacrifice the lamb. Abraham laid a faith foundation on which the temple of God would be built. But the Jebusites had trampled the ground and made it a threshing-floor. In fact the Jebusites trampled Abraham’s altar, so many people, including David, may not have known the history of that place. (Interestingly, the name ‘Jebusites’ comes from the Hebrew ‘ye-boos (יבוּס)’ whose root is ‘boos (בּוּס)’ meaning to trample.)

Yet God was using the enemy’s strategy and power to prepare the ground as a solid foundation for his temple to be built, even though the enemy had occupied and covered the foundation of faith and obedience for a long time.

David made a big mistake in counting the number of his fighting men. But God allowed Satan to inspire David to do it so that the ground on which Abraham had laid the foundation of faith and obedience 1000 years before would be revealed. The angel of God ordered Gad to tell David to go up and build an altar to the Lord on the threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite. So David went up in obedience to the word (2 Samuel 24:1-7, 1 Chronicles 21:18-19). He purchased the threshing floor and the land was used as the site of the first Temple, which Solomon built, on mount Moriah (2 Chronicles 3:1). God turned David’s mistake into revealing and fulfilling his eternal purpose.

I think Alan Scotland’s team may well have heard God saying to move and sell the BCW ground, just as David was incited by God to count his fighting men (2 Samuel 24:1). It was God’s plan to reveal and fulfil his eternal purpose for that land, on which Rees Howells laid the foundation. Like Araunah’s threshing floor it was covered for a few years but now is the time to reclaim the land, restore the vision and resume the work - for his Kingdom’s sake.

Not a monument but a movement! (Deuteronomy 34)
God buried Moses in Moab after he died, but no-one knew where his grave was. (34:6) Joshua was filled with the spirit of wisdom because Moses had laid his hand on him. (34:9) Moses was 120 years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone. (34:7)

If God had not taken Moses, he would have entered Canaan with Joshua and Joshua would not have had the opportunity to be a leader. If the people had known where Moses was buried, they would have built a big monument and might have stayed and been stuck there. Because Moses had died and no one knew his burial place, Joshua, who had Moses’ spirit of wisdom through the laying of hands by Moses, was able to make a movement toward the promised land.

We want to appreciate the foundation of faith, intercession and mission which Rees Howells laid, and create forward movement for the Kingdom of God. We do not want to make any monument of Rees Howells but a movement of God in this generation and the next.

blacksmith ok How can it be?

I sensed I needed to write all this down and to place it alongside the alternative proposal (Global Horizons Trust’s proposal: selling it), before God, just as in Numbers 17 Aaron’s name was written on his staff and it was placed with the staffs of the other tribal leaders before God, to show which was the one God had chosen. If God is in this, it will not only sprout but also bud, blossom, and produce the almonds.

Aaron’s staff (Numbers 16-17)

After Kora, Dathan and Abiram’s rebellion and their death, the assembly gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron. The plague had already started among the people. When Aaron stood between the living and the dead with his censer, the plague stopped. Then God told Moses to get twelve staffs, one from each of the leaders of the ancestral tribes. One of them was Aaron’s who was interceding between the living and the dead and his staff not only sprouted, but budded, blossomed and produced almonds overnight.

Time is not the issue to God:
The length of time from sprouting to ripe fruit normally takes a few months. But Aaron’s staff not only sprouted but budded, blossomed and produced ripe almonds just overnight. Time is in God’s hand because he created time in eternity. I think when God intervenes in this matter, it may happen just overnight.

Its identity is revealed:
Did Aaron know what kind of tree his staff was made from? He might have known or he might not. But when it produced its fruits, they knew what the tree was. The identity of BCW may have been lost and it looks dead. I believe that the Lord will reveal and restore its identity of faith, intercession and mission.

Losing possession but gaining position:
Aaron lost his staff because the Lord said to Moses to put it back in front of the Testimony. But he did not need to prove his authority now with his staff because the Lord authorised him. I think whoever wants to commit to this, we need to be ready to lose something in order to gain something.

It is impossible for the dead staff to live again:
If the tree had been cut off a few days before, it might possibly have been able to live again. The staff began to die when it was cut off from the tree. Also the bark might have been peeled off in order to make a smooth staff. In a tree, the nutrition passes along channels buried in its bark, while the water travels within the trunk itself. Aaron had probably used that staff for forty years. The life was completely dried up. It is impossible for the staff to get life again. But God did it overnight. Even though the nutrition channels were gone, he does not need them to revive the life and bear the fruit.

Reviving Identity & Resuming its work:
The almond fruits were not green but already ripe. In the Hebrew language, the word for almond tree is derived from watching (see below). Now is the time to reap as Jesus said, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work. Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then the harvest comes?’ Behold, I say to you, Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white to harvest already.” (John 4:34-35) I believe that the Lord is watching over BCW to reveal its true identity and resume its work of intercession, (watching over the nations) and mission in faith and by faith in order to stand between the living and the dead (Jeremiah 1:11-12). (שׁקד shâqad ; to be alert, that is, sleepless; hence to be on the lookout, hasten, remain, wake, watch (for).)

BCW & Wales

Rees Howells founded BCW in Wales, which was not a coincidence but God’s appointment. God showed him the place in Swansea, as he showed Moriah to Abraham.

Wales had many Revivals (or Awakenings), which impacted not only Wales but also so many nations around world. Particularly the 1904 Revival impacted over a dozens countries and Rees Howells himself was influenced by this Revival.

BCW was a great spiritual pillar or a hub in Wales for the world whether people realised it or not. The intercession of BCW turned world history around during the Second World War and overturned the UN’s first vote result on the birth of the nation of Israel in 1948.

Prayer and intercession never die. BCW intercessors’ prayers and intercessions are waiting to be answered for the world.

BCW & Israel & The Nations

God never changes his eternal plan and purpose even though human beings have made mistakes and fought against God from the Garden of Eden up to now. God has chosen Israel as a priest nation to serve and show God’s grace and mercy to rest of the nations. Jesus came to Israel as a Jew and he is coming back to Jerusalem. Our enemy has been trying to trample down Israel through out history as the Jebusites did. And he managed successfully to trample down Israel for almost 2000 years but God has restored. That shows God is faithful to his covenant with Israel and his eternal purpose.

Rees Howells understood the importance of Israel in God’s eternal purposes as a priest nation. So he prayed for Jews even before the nation was formed because he knew God was going to restore the nation according to the Prophets. We need to perceive the position and purpose of Israel not through the political lens but the Biblical.

For I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, lest you should be wise within yourselves; that blindness in part has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the nations has comes in. And so all Israel shall be saved; as it is written, "There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and He will turn away ungodliness from Jacob. For this is My covenant with them, when I have taken away their sins." (Romans 11:25-27)

I believe continuous prayer for Israel is fundamental to what God wants to do on the BCW site.

The Nations: Rees Howells and his wife were missionaries in South Africa between 1915 – 1920. They knew God’s longing was to see his beautiful brides so they went to Africa. But God wanted them to start a school to make disciples like them when they come back from Africa in 1920. And they obeyed and discipled many Welsh young people as well as many other nationalities.

God cannot work out his eternal purposes through us if we do not act in faith and by faith. (By this I do not mean living without a job or with no income to rely on, I mean depending entirely on God and counting everything as His, regardless of our circumstances.) We can make an earthly effort but not a heavenly effect if we do not learn how to live by faith. Rees Howells and his staff taught faith living not only in a class room but also in their daily life. If we really want to win the world, we need to learn how to live by faith.

This is not a Project, it is about People

Aaron’s staff was not special but Aaron, the owner of the staff, was because he was chosen by God, although he was ordinary before God had called him. Abraham was ordinary but he became a father of nations. Rees Howells was an ordinary man but God used him in an extraordinary way because he committed himself to God totally in humility, purity and was committed to unity in the love of God.

Restoring the inheritance of Rees Howells, reclaiming the land of BCW and resuming the work of intercession and mission needs people who are not proud but humble; not with mixed motivation but pure hearts, and not coming to build up their own organisation or ministry, but to advance the Kingdom of God with God’s unfailing and unconditional love.

Preparation for the Last Days

7 years abundance and 7 years famine:
I think seven years abundance like Joseph’s is coming, or has already begun, and after that seven years severe famine is going to come. We need to build people and places which will provide the truth of God and the faith of God. Already the truth of God is opposed and persecuted by governments which used to have a basis of Christian principles. There are increasing restrictions on preaching the Gospel publicly in the UK. Some people have already lost their jobs and been sued because of sharing Gospel truths at work.

Famine of the truth of God: The flood of information has begun. This flood is getting bigger and faster. Because of that it is very difficult for us to find fresh and living water in the mist of this flood of information. This is not a thirst of food nor water but the truth of God.

Behold, the days come, says the Lord Jehovah, that I will send a famine in the land; not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD. And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east; they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it. In that day the beautiful virgins and the young men shall faint for thirst. (Amos 8:11-13)