Natural to Spiritual
(The Forge Newsletter_June_2024)
Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim. Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.” They did so. (John 2:7-8)
If we listen to God and obey, we will have an experience of and an encounter with God. God will not tell us to do what we cannot do, we can easily do the things he tells us to do. Although it might seem very difficult to do when our emotions are involved, actually it is easy. It is God who does the impossible.
1. An “angel of God” appeared in London?
Last February, I went to London, without arranging my accommodation, to renew my younger son’s Korean passport. While I was travelling, I felt that God wanted me to stay overnight at Victoria Coach Station in London. After I finished my initial job at the Embassy, I came back to the coach station and sat on a metal chair. It wasn’t comfortable and the night was cold. The next day around 4am, I saw an elderly foreign lady who was wondering around at the station. I went to help her. She came from Romania and was going back to Romania. When I checked her flight schedule, her flight was due to leave the next day. So she needed to stay one more night in London and she had not enough money. God told me that I should pay for her. I took her to a hotel and paid. Although she insisted on getting my bank account details, I left her with this sentence; “I am an angel of God.” She wept and told me, “I never had this kind of experience before.” For me it was a normal life journey. However, for her I became an angel of God, because I listened to God and obeyed, although it was cold and sleepless night. Recently she came to London, and visited our house too. This amazing story hasn’t finished yet.
2. Spiritual response turns into chemical process
Jesus told the servants to fill the jars with water and they filled them up to the brim. Then he told them to take it to the master of the wedding ceremony. When he tasted it, it was fantastic wine. How did natural water turn into wine? Did they add any chemical element? They obeyed, as Jesus had told them. It looks like a chemical reaction but it is a spiritual response.
3. Spiritual response turns into medical process
A leprous general, Naaman, travelled from Syria to Israel. He dipped himself seven times in the River Jordan, although he was angry and didn’t want to at first. He was completely healed and his skin became like baby. How did it happen? He listened to a slave girl, his wife, his servants, and Elisha, then obeyed. It looks like a medical healing process, but it was a spiritual response.
4. Spiritual response turns into military actionGod told Joshua to march around Jericho for 7 days in silence. After they marched 13 times for 7 days and then shouted, the wall of Jericho collapsed in an instant. How did it happen? They listened to God and just obeyed. It looks like a military action but it is a spiritual response.
5. It’s easy to live naturally but not spiritually
The Israelites were experts in walking around Jericho because they had walked in the wilderness for 40 years. In fact, it wasn’t easy for them because they had just circumcised the whole male congregation. Also there was fear that the enemy might shoot arrows and throw stones from the city wall. Faith in God turns natural, normal, physical matters into spiritual and releases the purpose of God.
6. Spiritual response transforms our normal life
Just about 10 years ago, our family moved to our current house. House moving itself is physical and normal in our lives. But if we move house according to what God tells us, it can be a very different story. God had told us to find a 7 bedroom and 3 bathroom house to rent. Then we let our land lady know that we would move out in a month’s time. The next month God gave us an amazing sign and in the end someone bought this 7 bedroom and three bathroom house because of us. House moving itself is natural life, but it is spiritual when we listen to God and obey. Even though we are living a normal and natural life, we should live a spiritual life, because we are created as spiritual beings; we are the image of God, and the Holy Spirit is in us. Unless we live spiritually, people will not be drawn to Jesus through us.
7. I never wanted to buy a house but I feel God wants us to buy a family house
I never wanted to buy our own house in the United Kingdom although I have been living here 24 and a half years. Yet, last year God has changed my mind, so I have agreed with my wife who initiated first. Therefore we have been praying for the house, not because we don’t have money but because we want to obey God and to see the spiritual story, His story, to be written here on earth.
[ Intercession & Prayers ]
[ Al Aqsa Flood & Temple Fountain ]1. Flood destroys but Fountain restores
A flood wipes out infrastructures and destroys life, but a fountain provides clean water for life and a spiritual fountain provides healing, restoration, and revival.
2. Is it coincidence on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles?
On the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the scripture has said, out of his belly will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:37-38) About two thousand years later, on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles, 7th October, 2023, Operation Al-Aqsa Flood was released into Israel by Hamas. On that day, thousands of missiles and rockets were fired and about 2,000 terrorists were released into the territory of Israel like a flood. About 1,400 Israelis and other civilians were killed, raped, kidnaped, and destroyed by this flood. Isn’t it interesting that Al-Aqsa flood broke out on the same day as Jesus cried out for the thirsty ones to come to Him?
3. Why not “Gaza flood” but “Al-Aqsa flood?”
The enemy knows the importance of the temple mount in Jerusalem, where the living water will flow from. So the enemy has occupied it and built the golden dome and Al-Aqsa mosque. This current flood of death broke out from Gaza into Southern Israel, but why do they call this “Al-Aqsa Flood” instead of “Gaza Flood?” Al-Aqsa mosque is located in Jerusalem, not in Gaza. Even though it broke out physically in Gaza, it is connected to Jerusalem spiritually. Jerusalem is the epicentre of God’s eternal plan. Especially the temple mount where Abraham was going to sacrifice his son Issac and close to where Jesus was crucified. Solomon’s magnificent temple was also erected there. Most of all, Jesus is coming back to Jerusalem, so Satan has been trying to stop this, but it’s impossible, because Jesus has finished on the Cross and the living water has started flowing.
4. Enemy tries to block or destroy the fountains of living waterGod showed Ezekiel the living water coming forth from under the threshold of the Temple of God and flowing down towards the Dead Sea, (Ezekiel 47.) Wherever this water flows, it heals, revives and restores. Even though Al-Aqsa mosque is situated on the same mount, it opened up the flood of death. The apostle Paul says that our body is a temple of God which accommodates the Holy Spirit that Jesus promised on the last day of the Feast of Tabernacles. If we go to Jesus with thirst, the living water will flow down to the dry, low, and dead areas to heal and restore. After the 1904 Great Welsh Revival, many young people took the good news out to different areas and nations. Then the first World War broke out and many young people who were destined to take the good news, killed each other on the frontline. In the same way, Satan has been managing to kill many people during this Gaza war since October 7th 2023.
5. What am I thirsty for?
If we are desperately thirsty, we can drink any kind of water; salty, dirty, filthy, anything in order to quench the thirst at that moment. We are living in an era of cutting-edge science and technology but many people are spiritually thirsty and empty too. That’s why they pursue all sort of idols including pleasure, and take drugs. On 7th October 2023, many young people gathered to take part in the Nova festival in Negev in Israel and got killed or kidnaped by Hamas. I think they were simply hungry and thirsty to get any kind of spiritual or emotional experiences. Only Jesus can give the living water to whoever comes to Him. Satan steals, kills and destroys whoever comes to him. Once a Samaritan woman was deeply thirsty. She tried to quench it with men. Although she changed men five times, she was still thirsty until she met Jesus who is the source of the living water.
6. Israel has to return to God of Israel
Israel has good military personnel, weapons and defence systems, and great allies: USA, UK, etc. but they need to return to the God of Israel. Without His help, everything will be in vain. (Psalm 127:1-2)
“Come, let us return to the Lord.
He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us;
he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds.
After two days he will revive us;
on the third day he will restore us,
that we may live in his presence.
Let us acknowledge the Lord;
let us press on to acknowledge him.
As surely as the sun rises, he will appear;
he will come to us like the winter rains,
like the spring rains that water the earth.”
(Hosea 6:1-3)
* God gave me this song after the 7th October 2023.
(Listen and watch this song on YouTube: click here )
[ News Update ]
1. The Forge Gathering
In February we had a Forge Leaders’ week together. Nine of us revisited significant landmarks of our Forge story, with grateful hearts for God’s goodness: Penllergaer Woods, the Bible College of Wales, Parklands Church, and Nations Centre. We thanked God for the amazing things He has done, leading us from God’s initial revelation to redeem the inheritance of Rees Howells and the Bible College of Wales, to the very first Forge School of Faith, and the 15 others we have run. Not forgetting exciting prayer trips to Iran, Georgia, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Spain and Portugal and all over the British Isles. God has reestablished the Bible College of Wales. Rees Howells purchased a property for receiving 1000 Jewish children but only 12 could come before the war broke out. However, the vision was not lost. Instead God used Rees Howells and all the Bible college staff to pray in the establishing of the nation of Israel after the war. Also God told us that our previous plans and schedules should be put on the altar, so we laid down the plan of purchasing farm house and land, the Forge school, etc.. We are waiting for Him to lead us to the next phase of our journey of faith, although we are seeing a bit of water coming.
- 11th - 15th June 2024 |
3. Many Short Term Visitors to the Forge House
The last 2 Schools of Faith we ran were much smaller and we do not have any planned at the moment. However, since post-Covid time, God has been bringing more and more travelling groups here to stay in our house. They share with us for a short time, visit significant revival sites in Wales and pray for God’s heart to be revealed for our time. Qday particularly has been serving these groups, leading the visits and the prayer times, and driving our 9 seater van. God often uses these times for personal breakthrough and ministry as well. We are seeking God’s heart for the New Thing he wants to do, and perhaps Qday and I moving into our own family house is part of this: releasing The Forge House to be more self-sustaining for His Kingdom’s purposes under Owen and Seungae’s management.
4. Family News
Noah (17) has been studying A-level first year; Music Technology, Psychology, French. He seems to be enjoying. Yohan (12) still is home-schooling at home and Botanic Garden of Wales. Qday and Noah are learning TaeKownDo and they are applying second grade (2 Dan) black belt in June. Qday has been making some furniture with pallet wood and off-cut wood.
5. Visiting Korea
This summer our family is visiting Korea for three weeks. Bridget and Yohan haven’t visited Korea for 5 years. It is important to see my mother who is 93 years old. Noah is wondering whether to take Korean military service in order to keep his Korean citizenship, so we would like to visit the national military service office to check about Noah’s case. We will leave from the U.K. on 7th July and leave from Korea on 31st July. Owen & Seungae are visiting Korea too at the end of August for three months.
“Gather the people together, so that I may give them water.” Then Israel sang this song: “Spring up, O well! Sing to it!’’ (Numbers 21:16-17)
- Dates : 5th - 11th August 2024 |
- Rabbi Mathew has published a powerful testimonial book: “Grace Undone” on Amazon. (click here) - Vivien’s a testimonial faith journey book: “A Living Legacy” on Amazon. (click here) |
* Qday Music Album: “Tomorrow Never Comes!” 2. The Only Way 4. Enough 6. Set Free 8. Like A Rock |
Shalom Shalom!
Qday LEE
(+44) 7870 653157
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