Prayer Gathering at Bronydd Mawr Farm
Here are the final details about the Prayer Gathering at Bronydd Mawr Farm near Trecastle, Breconshire LD3 8RD next Thursday morning - 9th October. We shall start off with a time of worship and prayer in the Prayer Room which is attached to the first bungalow on the left – there is parking space in the courtyard behind it. Afterwards, we will make our way up to the cross in a field ten minutes’ walk away (there is both an easy but longer route to it, and a shorter but somewhat steeper route). This 22 ft high cross was erected by Stuart and Liz, the owners of the farm, earlier in the year, and is visible from the A40 and beyond. The cross is accessible through fields so it would be best to bring wellies and waterproofs with you.
We would like to make a prompt start at 11am, so will provide refreshments in the bungalow from 10.30am. We can make use of the kitchen facilities (e.g. microwave) later for our packed lunches.
Trecastle is roughly half way between Brecon and Llandovery on the A40, and Bronydd Mawr is signposted on the left soon after the sign(s) to Llywel, if you’re driving from the west; or is signposted on the right about half a mile beyond Trecastle, if you’re driving from the east.
We are excited about this gathering and look forward to seeing those of you who can make it. Please pass on the details to anyone you think may be interested. Thanks.
Every Blessing
Dudley & Ann Griffiths
Tel Nos. 07790972407 or 01792 582258
Email: dudley
The 6th Forge School of Faith : 4th April - 11th May 2015
[ The 6th Forge School of Faith ] - Dates: 4th - 18th April 2015 (Wales) / 20th April - 5th May 2015 (The Middle East; This is optional) * Dates may have to be changed slightly |
The 6th Forge School of Faith
God has called us to restore the ruined “spiritual forges” and to raise up “spiritual blacksmiths” as Rees Howells left the legacy. We are running a month journey and a 3-6 month as a community living journey too. Our next Forge School of Faith starts on
4th - 18th April 2015 in Wales (£200)
20th April - 5th May 2015 in the Middle East journey (£350; This is optional)
(Your airfare to come to Wales and go to the Middle East are not included. Also abroad journey is optional.)
This school is not teaching based but community living, although we have resting, working, teaching, worship, and intercession. We function in English and there is no translation service.
If you are interested in it, please send us this application form and £100 deposit. Click here to download application form.
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(+44) 7870653157
[ 제 6기 대장간 믿음학교 ] - 날 짜: 2015년 4월 4일(토) - 4월 18일(토) - 웨일즈 / 4월 20일(월) - 5월 5일(월) - 중동(선택 사항) * 신청서 다운로드: 여기를 클릭 |
제 6 기 대장간 믿음학교
하나님은 우리에게 리즈 하월즈의 영적 유업을 계승하면서 이 땅에 무너진 영적 대장간을 다시 세우고 영적 대장장이들을 일으키라는 부르심을 주셨다. 지금 우리는 한 달간의 대장간 믿음학교를 부정기적으로 진행하고 있고 약 3 - 6개월 정도로 함께 공동체 생활을 하면서 믿음을 연습하고 있다. 다음 대장간 믿음학교는....
2015년 4월 4일 - 4월 18일 (웨일즈: 200 파운드)
2015년 4월 20일 - 5월 5일 (중동: 350 파운드)
(웨일즈까지 오는 개인 항공료와 중동 여정의 항공료는 본인이 부담해야 하고 중동여정은 선택임.)
이 믿음학교는 쉼, 노동, 강의, 예배, 중보 시간이 있는데 강의 중심이 아니라 함께 사는 단순한 공동체 생활을 중심으로 진행된다. 그리고 모든 일정은 영어로 진행이 되고 통역은 없다.
신청을 원하시면 신청서를 (여기 클릭) 다운로드 받으셔서 신청서와 £100 선금을 보내어 주십시오.
2월 28일이 1차 마감일 입니다.
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(+44) 7870653157
The 7th Forge School of Faith : 17th October - 23rd November 2015
[ The 7th Forge School of Faith ] - Dates: 17th - 31st October 2015 (Wales) / 2nd - 17th November 2015 (The Middle East; This is optional) * If you are interested in it, please send us this application form and £100 deposit. Click here to download application form. |
The 7th Forge School of Faith
God has called us to restore the ruined “spiritual forges” and to raise up “spiritual blacksmiths” as Rees Howells left the legacy. We are running a month journey and a 3-6 month as a community living journey too.
This school is not teaching based but community living, although we have resting, working, teaching, worship, and intercession. We function in English and there is no translation service. (Your airfare to come to Wales and go to the Middle East are not included. Also abroad journey is optional.)
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(+44) 7870653157
[ 제 7기 대장간 믿음학교 ] - 날 짜: 2015년 10월 17일(토) - 10월 31일(토) - 웨일즈 * 신청을 원하시면 신청서를 다운로드 받으셔서 신청서와 선금 100 파운드를 보내주십시오. (신청서 다운로드는 여기를 클릭) |
제 7 기 대장간 믿음학교
하나님은 우리에게 리즈 하월즈의 영적 유업을 계승하면서 이 땅에 무너진 영적 대장간을 다시 세우고 영적 대장장이들을 일으키라는 부르심을 주셨다. 지금 우리는 한 달간의 대장간 믿음학교를 부정기적으로 진행하고 있고 약 3 - 6개월 정도로 함께 공동체 생활을 하면서 믿음을 연습하고 있다.
이 믿음학교는 쉼, 노동, 강의, 예배, 중보 시간이 있는데 강의 중심이 아니라 함께 사는 단순한 공동체 생활을 중심으로 진행된다. 그리고 모든 일정은 영어로 진행이 되고 통역은 없다.
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(+44) 7870653157
The Times of the Signs: David Silver - 27th Feb
“The Times of the Signs”
Are we living in The Times of the Signs of the soon return of the Lord ?
OUT Of ZION Ministries director, David Silver will be speaking about
- The Return of Messiah
- The Blood Red Moons
- The Shmitah Year
- The Possible Financial crash in 2015
OUT of ZION Ministries is based on Mt Carmel, Israel and was founded in 1997 by ex New Zealander, David and Josie Silver. David and Josie are involved in taking the Word of the Lord to the Nations. David has a burden to share with the Church concerning the signs that point to the soon return of the Son of God
You Have a Destiny in God's Plan - You Need to Hear this Message
Date: Friday February 27th 7.00 pm
Venue: Bro Myrddin Bowls Club, Picton Tce, Carmarthen SA313BT
NB. No Entry Fee - A Free Will Offering Will be Taken
For More Details Please Contact: Elaine Price
Ph: 01267 281237 mob 07791149370