Prayers for Sketty Isaf & Update (from Ann Griffiths)


Dear Intercessor,

Thank you again for your prayers for Sketty Isaf. The planning permission for the housing development was finalised about three weeks ago and things are moving on which is why I am writing to you.

Today I walked around the site and in the natural it looks as though the property will soon be sold. The owners are currently tidying up the site and prospective buyers are being asked to put in their offers for the property. The official date for this is next Friday, May 1st.

However, I am still believing that God can step in and am therefore asking that you stand with us in a day of Prayer and Fasting on May 1st once again. I have also designed a simple website which you might like  to forward onto others.

We have had a number of confirming scriptures, and pictures over the last few months, so I really feel not to give up at this stage. I also know of people that are willing to give. However a large sum would be needed to even consider any fundraising effort.

Obviously a miracle is needed, but having read of the amazing way in which Rees Howells purchased the properties originally and the way in which Cornerstone Community Church bought one side of the college it seems right to continue praying.

Please do pass this email on to others you think may be interested, if you have any comments or questions please contact me.

Every Blessing

Ann Griffiths

What is Chrislam? (Christianty + Islam)

chrislamChrislam? : Dialogue to Dilution
I came across this word recently on the Internet, and was immediately reminded of C S Lewis' “Last Battle,” the final book in the Narnia series. In the last days of the Kingdom of Narnia, where the Creator Aslan is God, the inhabitants are deceived into joining together with worshippers of Tash, and come up with a new name for their god: Tashlan. Fiction, or prophecy...? The name “Chrislam” is clearly a blending of Christianity and Islam, but what form does it take, where did it originate and how widespread is it?
In matters like this I find the internet to be a minefield of Christian hysteria, but I did find a sensible web site that's worth looking at: see

Chrislam originated in Lagos, Nigeria, founded by Pastor Shamsuddin Saka, who was formerly a Muslim. After a pilgrimage to Mecca 20 years ago, as he was praying, he believed the Lord told him to “Make peace between Christian and Muslim”. He began holding “Chrislam” services at his centre of worship, using both the Bible and Quran, and stressing the importance of loving God and your neighbour, a teaching contained in both. His teachings found a following with many Muslims and Christians disturbed by the country's sectarian violence and longing for peace. There is now an international following; recently on June 26th 2011, Chrislam services were celebrated in over sixty churches across the United States.

“Chrislam” has obvious appeal to some Christians, and Muslims, who long for a more peaceful world. But it is completely opposed to the fundamental faith in Jesus, his death and resurrection, as the only way to be saved. Muslims do not believe that Jesus died to pay for their sins, so we cannot pretend we are all on different routes to the same end. However, there is also a danger of overreacting, and labelling anything that is a genuine attempt at reaching out to Muslims as “preaching Chrislam,” as I saw in many internet articles declaring just that. The important thing to remember, on an individual and personal level, is that of course we should try to make friends with Muslims in our communities. And we will find many things to agree on. But we must be on our guard against diluting the message of the Gospel in the pursuit of “common ground” for dialogue. We mustn't leave out the important bits about Jesus and salvation. Because our aim is not a peace that is only temporary, of this world; our goal is eternal peace with God in His Kingdom, for everyone, through Jesus. (written by Bridget LEE)

The Forge School of Faith-5 : 20th Sep - 27th Oct 2014

aforge slide logoThe Forge School of Faith - 5

God has called us to restore the ruined “spiritual forges” and to raise up “spiritual blacksmiths” as Rees Howells left the legacy. We are running a month journey and a 3-6 month as a community living journey too. Our next Forge School of Faith starts on

th September to 4th October 2014 in Wales (£200)
th to 27th October in the Middle East journey (£500)

(Your airfare to come to Wales and go to the Middle East are not included. Also abroad journey is optional.)

This school is not teaching based but community living, although we have resting, working, teaching, worship, and intercession. We function in English and there is no translation service.

If you are interested in it, please send us this application form and £100 deposit. Click here to download application form.

The 2nd deadline is 31st August 2014.

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(+44) 7870653157



aforge slide logo5기 대장간 믿음학교

하나님은 우리에게 리즈 하월즈의 영적 유업을 계승하면서 이 땅에 무너진 영적 대장간을 다시 세우고 영적 대장장이들을 일으키라는 부르심을 주셨다. 지금 우리는 한 달간의 대장간 믿음학교를 부정기적으로 진행하고 있고 약 3 - 6개월 정도로 함께 공동체 생활을 하면서 믿음을 연습하고 있다. 다음 대장간 믿음학교는....

2014920- 104(웨일즈: 200 파운드)
2014년 106- 1027(중동: 500 파운드)

웨일즈까지 오는 개인 항공료와 중동 여정의 항공료는 본인이 부담해야 하고 중동여정은 선택임.)

이 믿음학교는 쉼,
노동, 강의, 예배, 중보 시간이 있는데 강의 중심이 아니라 함께 사는 단순한 공동체 생활을 중심으로 진행된다. 그리고 모든 일정은 영어로 진행이 되고 통역은 없다.

신청을 원하시면 신청서를 다운로드 받으셔서 신청서와 £100 선금을 보내어 주십시오.
831일이 2차 마감일 입니다

This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(+44) 7870653157


Mathew Toller, a Messianic Jewish Rabbi's Open Teaching


mathew tollerYou are invited to come and listen to God's heart through Mathew Toller.

- Date : Thursday, 25th September, 2014 7.30pm

- Venue : The Cross

- Address : Brynteg Farm, Five Roads, Llanelli, SA15 4ND, South Wales, U.K.


Mathew Toller is a Messianic Jewish Rabbi who lives in South Korea. He has a profound understanding of God's word and a remarkable teaching gift. Come and hear him share his deep understanding of the love of God and His Kingdom.

* Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served.
* Free entry

* For more information please contact:

01554 777830 (Bob) or 07870653157 (Qday)