Good News is Bad News?
(The Forge Newsletter_12_2020)
When one told me, ‘Behold, Saul is dead,’ and thought he was bringing good news, I seized him and killed him at Ziklag, which was the reward I gave him for his news. (2 Samuel 4:10)
1. Are there any people who are happy about Covid-19 situation?
Coronavirus has come as very bad news for many people, but it can be said that it is good news for some people. Internet businesses and the pharmaceutical industry are booming because of the coronavirus; and some politicians are taking advantage of the coronavirus situation, in South Korea, the USA for example, they manipulate, encourage fraudulent elections, block protest gatherings and enforce curfews.
2. Good News turns into Bad News
After the battle between the Philistines and the Israelites, an Amalekite man came to David to deliver the good news, with king Saul’s crown and his armlet, that king Saul and his son Jonathan were dead. In fact, he told him proudly that he killed the wounded king. He thought he would get a great reward but he was killed. (2 Sam 1:10) After king Saul’s death, his son Ishboseth became king and ruled for two years. But his two officers killed him while he was sleeping on his bed. The two men took his head and went to David in Hebron. They thought it was good news but they were also killed by David’s order.
3. Horrible News turns out the Great NewsOne day, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, a country girl from Nazareth, telling the terrible news that she will have children. At that time if an unmarried woman had a child, it was obvious that she would be stoned to death. However, even at the risk of being stoned to death, she allows God's words from an angel to be fulfilled to her. And that terrible news becomes the joyful news of the birth of the Saviour nine months later, and is proclaimed by angels to the shepherds of Bethlehem. (Luke 2:10-11) And, 33 years later, Jesus’ crucifixion was the greatest news to Satan and religious leaders, but it turned into catastrophic news with his resurrection. However, his crucifixion was horrible news to his disciples but it turned into the greatest news and joy.
4. Bad news can be good news, and good news can be bad news
In the Kingdom of God often good news turns into bad news and bad news turns into good news. Often immediate good news comes without God’s help, but if we have bad news or difficult thing happens, we have to pray and fast to ask for God’s help. Often God turns up and makes everything for good although it might look still bad. Good news without God’s intervention leads us to self satisfaction, and into pride and fall. However, although things might be very bad, if God intervenes, God would turn everything into good.
5. Bad news with a great God
In the American Presidential Election, it looks as though Donald Trump hasn’t got enough number of electoral college whereas Joe Biden has enough. So it looks like bad news that Joe Biden may be the next American president through election fraud. Also Texas’ lawsuit against four other states for irregularity of election has been declined by the Federal Supreme Court. It seems to be very bad news.
Britain has been negotiating with the European Union about trade but they don’t seem to come to an agreement easily. It might come to “Hard BREXIT” in the end.
South Korea has been known as “A free democratic state”, but apparently the current President and Minister of Justice have been conspiring to remove the Prosecutor General in order to keep him from investigating the president and save him from imprisonment or impeachment. Also the ruling majority Democratic Party has been breaking democratic principles and making undemocratic laws in order to protect themselves and the current president. The Party’s name is Democratic but their behaviour is autocratic.
Nevertheless God is above all nations and all people, and in the end everything will be done as he has purposed. Even though all the leaders of the world gather together to conspire to remove his anointed, God is laughing at them from the heavens and His will will be done in the end. (Psalm 2:1-4)
[ Prayer & Intercession ]
1. Qday went to Egypt again with MohamedMohamed came back to Wales in October to check his medical conditions. He was told by his doctor that his life wouldn’t last long according to his physical condition. So he decided to go back to Egypt and he returned to Egypt on 7th November with me. I stayed with him for two weeks in Egypt. While I was there, he took dialysis every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday and we went to a modern cancer hospital. Doctors examined him and told him, “Your condition is not good.” They only prescribed some painkillers.
He cannot get a couple of medications in Egypt and they are running out in the first week of January. So I am going to take some of them to Egypt in January. God keeps reminding me of his word that there is no greater love than give his life for his friend. I have been praying for his healing, his salvation and his family’s salvation.
2. We are trapped online
On 14th December, the Google server went down for about an hour. We thought it was an internet problem at our home. But later I found out that at the same time YouTube was turned off in Korea. My son Noah, who was in school classes through Google classroom, was frustrated, and my younger son, Yohan, who was learning to make felt characters through YouTube, said he didn't know what to do. Also, my wife, who was waiting for an important email reply via Google email, was nervous. Can't we really live without Google, without virtual system? In other words, can't we live without a mobile phone or the Internet service? It is very beneficial to drive around in a car, but if our car controls me rather than I control our car, it's a big problem and I have to stop using that car. If the Internet controls me and my life is addicted to it, I should stop using it. Also I should be able to grab the steering wheel again and to take control. If I can't do it myself, I have to ask people around me for help.
3. We are oppressed by the coronavirusLast November when I went to Egypt, they checked for Covid-19 test confirmation at the check-in desk at London Heathrow Airport. When we arrived in Cairo Airport in Egypt, someone came into our flight to check out our Covid-19 test confirmation one by one before getting off our airplane. An Egyptian passenger who sat next to me said he missed his flight at Heathrow Airport because he couldn't get the Covid-19 test confirmation that was required by the airline. Now we may not be able to travel freely without a coronavirus vaccine test. As Christmas is approaching, we do not hear the Good News of Jesus who freed us from sin and death, but only about the COVID-19 vaccine, as good news that replaced the Gospel.
4. Countries standing on a pile of debt
What is happening with the coronavirus? People have to wear uncomfortable masks and cannot freely visit the homes of people who they know. Although they are immediate family members, they cannot meet at home and hug family members who live in other homes. And because of social distancing, we are living in a strange society where humanity is disappearing, where we cannot go close to greet and socialise.
Nationally, self-employed and small businesses are struggling with Covid-19 situations. Even if the government provides relief funds, recurring lockdown measures are causing them to eventually shut down. And the government's debt-supported subsidies are ultimately driving the country into fiscal collapse. If the country sits on a pile of debt like this, the country eventually goes bankrupt, and the country eventually gives up sovereignty to the IMF or creditors. In the past, countries were conquered through war, but now countries have been invaded without blood, but with money and economy. China, which is called the factory of the world, is using such a new colonial strategy: support to underdeveloped countries such as Africa and Central Asia, and is encroaching on those countries.
In the 13th chapter of Revelation of the Bible, the mark of the beast will be given to the right hand or forehead of the people and will control the economy of the world. Eventually, it shows that when the world's economy collapses and sits on a pile of debt, those who have money or gold will take the world in their hands. Nevertheless we know who really is in charge of this world eternally.
[The Forge House and Family Story]
1. Journey with Nina and Rachel
Our friend Nina, who attended the Forge School a few years ago and lived with us for a while, was praying for the next step, as the drug addiction rehabilitation centre, where she had been working in Wales, was closed. She started a TEFL course to teach English language and travel. And about a month ago, she came back to our community to prepare herself for her next step. She takes part in sharing the Word of God, worshipping, praying and interceding everyday. Also her friend Rachel who lives in a Welsh valley joins our morning meeting through online. The meeting is very rich in the Word and powerful in worshipful intercession.
2. The Forge House and Family News
Owen and Seung-ae have been working at Owen's mother's house for several months. Now they are returning to the Forge House. Seungae has started zoom pray and fellowship meetings. Noah keeps jogging with his dad every morning, and his height has surpassed his dad. A few weeks ago, one of Noah's school students in the same grade had a Covid-19 infection. So he has been learning through online at home, whereas Yohan is still home-schooling. He climbs all the walls in the house like a rock-climber.
Bridget started her M.A. degree in children and adolescents online, and online discussion session with Forgees: ‘Wise Women’. I have been painting the exterior walls of our house and repairing small things inside house too.
[ Qday Music Album: “Tomorrow Never Comes!” ]
It took four years to complete this music album with help from many musicians and artists including prayers and finances. It wasn’t easy for me, but I wasn’t alone, so I was able to complete it. This isn’t perfect but I have obeyed what God had told me to do so as Moses made a bronze serpent.
- You Tube links:
1. Tomorrow Never Comes!
2. The Only Way
3. Beginning & End
4. Enough
5. The Most Beautiful Thing
6. Set Free
7. Let Your Kingdom Come
8. Like a Rock
Shalom shalom!
Qday LEE
on behalf of the Forge family
(+44) 7870 653157
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