blacksmith ok The Forge School of Faith

We are going to hold a school of faith for two weeks; an exciting opportunity. God has spoken to us and confirmed it on three separate occasions already, even though we don't know quite where it will be or exactly what it will contain.

  • Sharing in community living,
  • A lifestyle of prayer and intercession,
  • Bible meditation and listening to God,
  • Exploring God's divine purpose for Israel and the nations.

In order to cover expenses, and give everyone an opportunity to exercise our faith and provide not only for our own needs but also for others! We are asking everyone who wants to come, including members of the Forge Team, to contribute. Cost includes 14 nights accommodation and all meals. (There may be fasting.)

  • Who: Whoever wants to be part of laying the faith foundation to redeem and restore the inheritance of Rees Howells. (If you are a couple, you may not have your own room. It is depending on availability of the accommodation )
  • When: Saturday 1st -15th December 2012
  • Where: Swansea area; click here
  • Cost: About £200 per person
  • Language: mainly in English
  • Contact: Qday LEE
(+44) 7870653157 (mobile)
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
12 Ropewalk Road, Llanelli, Wales, SA15 2AL, UK

* If you want to apply for this school, please fill in the attached application form and email it to us by 10th October 2012. This will be the 1st deadline. If there are still spaces after this date we will let you know.

blacksmith okThe FORGE vision

‘“See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc; no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the LORD.’ (Isaiah 54:16-17)

God has commissioned us to redeem the land Rees Howells once purchased and made the site of the Bible College of Wales, a place of intercession and training for the mission field, which is now vacant and for sale. (One of the two former Bible School sites is in the process of being purchased by Cornerstone church in Singapore)

The vision we, and many others, have is to open a centre there which functions both as a prayer house with intercession for Israel and the nations and worship; a training centre to prepare workers for the mission field in these last days and also preparing a place for Jewish people.

The picture God has given us is of a spiritual FORGE, where apprentices learn how to handle fire, water, oil and metals and wrestle them into useful weapons, and where the apprentices are themselves forged through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit's fire to become useful tools in His hands.

War changes everything in our lives. We need to understand that we are at war and we are called to fight. Our weapons are not physical weapons and are different from this world's: the love of God and the word of God. (2 Corinthians 10:4) These weapons are unfailing and invincible. We have to prepare for battle; we have to beat ploughshares into swords and pruning hooks into spears. (Joel 3:9-11)

If we are deceived by our enemy's deceptive peace, we will be disarmed like in king Saul's time. There was no blacksmith in Israel, so on the day of the battle not a soldier had a sword or spear in his hand; only Saul and his son Jonathan had them. They were deceived by the Philistines' strategy. (1 Samuel 13:19-22)

Therefore we have to build “The FORGE” to make not only swords but also blacksmiths. The blacksmiths are the ones who get up early, reignite the fire, and dirty their hands. God is raising and training his spiritual blacksmiths who know how to handle the fire of God, and to forge the sword of the word. If we prepare the place and people now, by redeeming the inheritance of Rees Howells for such apprentice blacksmiths to develop and use their skills, then in the time of famine and battle we will not be left defenceless.




The FORGE School of Faith Application Form

1 Name :

2 Age :

3 Gender :

4 Nationality :

5 Contacts (telephone, address, email)

6 How did you hear about this school?

7 Do you have any special needs? (health or food, etc)

8 What are you hoping to learn at the school?




blacksmith ok대장간 믿음 학교 / The Forge School of Faith

저희는 두 주간의 믿음 학교의 첫 걸음을 기대 속에 믿음으로 내딛게 되었습니다
. 어디에 모여 이 학교를 시작할지, 어떤 과정으로 진행할지 아직 자세히는 모르지만 석 달 반 전부터 각기 다른 통로를 통해서 세 번의 확정을 주셨기 때문에 이 학교를 시작하게 되었습니다.
  • 저희는 이 기간 동안 함께 먹고 지내며 공동체 생활을 하며,
  • 말씀 묵상을 통해 하나님의 심장을 듣는 연습,
  • 삶 속에서의 기도와 중보,
  • 그리고 하나님의 영원한 목적 안에서의 이스라엘과 열방을 향한 배움과 탐험을 하게 될 것입니다.


비용은 모든 사람이 믿음을 연습할 수 있도록 기회를 드리고자 합니다. 왜냐하면 이 학교는 함께 믿음으로 세워야 하기 때문입니다. 그래서 저희는 학교에 등록하는 사람들 뿐 아니라 대장간 팀에 있는 모든 사람들도 믿음으로 이 재정을 구하고 다른 이의 필요까지 구하는 연습을 하고자 합니다. 아래에 제시된 비용은 14일간의 숙소와 식사에 대한 비용입니다. (함께 금식하는 시간이 있을 수도 있습니다.)

  • 지원자: 누구든지 리즈 하월즈의 영적 유산을 회복하고 그것을 세우는데 믿음의 기초를 놓고자 하시는 분 (부부가 오시는 경우 숙소 사정에 따라 부부가 함께 지내지 못할 수도 있습니다.)
  • 언 제:  2012121() 오 후 3시 – 15() 오후 2시 까지
  • 장 소: 영국 웨일즈, 스완지(Swansea) 주변지역 (클릭)
  • 비 용: 한 사람당 약 £200 (숙소와 식사)
  • 언 어: 주 언어는 영어
  • 연락처: 이 규대

(+44) 7870653157(휴대폰)
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
12 Ropewalk Road, Llanelli, Wales, SA15 2AL, UK

참석을 원하시는 분은 첨부된 신청서를 작성해서 1차 접수 마감일인 1010일 까지 이메일로 보내어 주십시오. 만약 1차 접수에서 예상 인원이 다 차지 않았을 경우 다시 알려 드리겠습니다.


blacksmith ok대장간 비전 / The FORGE vision

'숯불을 불어서 자기가 쓸만한 기계를 제조하는 대장장이도 내가 창조하였고 파괴하며 진멸하는 자도 내가 창조하였은즉 무릇 너를 치려고 제조된 기계가 날카롭지 못할 것이라. 무릇 일어나 너를 대적하여 송사하는 혀는 네게 정죄를 당하리니 이는 여호와의 종들의 기업이요 이는 그들이 내게서 얻은 의니라' 여호와의 말이니라” (이사야 54:16-17)

년 리즈 하월즈에 의해서 세워졌으나 문을 닫은 웨일즈 성경학교 부지를 구입해서 이곳이 중보와 선교를 위한 센타로 다시 회복되도록 하는데 저희는 부름을 받았습니다. (지금 현재 부지 두 곳 가운데 한 곳은 싱가포르에 있는 코너스톤 교회에서 구입을 추진하고 있습니다.)

이 대장간 비전은 저희를 비롯해 여러 사람들이 이 성경학교 부지가 예배의 센타, 이스라엘과 열방을 위한 기도와 중보의 센타, 그리고 이 마지막 추수 때 선교 일꾼들을 훈련하고 다음 세대를 길러내는 훈련의 센타, 그리고 유대인들을 품는 장소로 다시 세워지게 하는 것입니다.

하나님께서 주신 그림은 영적 대장간에서 견습생들이 어떻게 물, , 기름, 그리고 쇠를 다루며 이 과정을 통해 유용한 도구들을 만들어 내는지를 배우고, 자기 자신들을 하나님의 손에 맡겨 그 분의 말씀과 성령의 불로 풀무질 되고 물로 담금질 되어 하나님의 유용한 도구로 다시 태어나게 하는 것입니다.

전쟁은 우리 삶의 모든 것을 바꾸어 버립니다. 우리는 우리가 전쟁 가운데 있으며 이 싸움을 위해 부름 받았음을 인식해야 합니다. 우리의 무기는 이 세상이 들고 싸우는 총과 칼이 아니라 하나님의 사랑과 그 분의 말씀입니다(고린도후서 10:4). 이러한 하나님의 무기는 결코 실패하지도 않고 패배하지도 않습니다. 우리는 이 싸움을 준비해야 합니다. 쟁기를 쳐서 칼을 만들고 낫을 쳐서 창을 만들어야 합니다(요엘 3:9-11).

만약 우리가 원수의 위장된 평화전략에 속는다면 우리는 사울 왕 때처럼 무장해제를 당하게 될 것입니다. 블레셋 사람의 전략으로 인해 그 당시 이스라엘 땅에는 대장장이가 모두 사라져 버렸습니다. 그래서 전쟁의 날이 되었을 때 사울과 그 아들 요나단 외에는 칼과 창을 가진 병사가 아무도 없었습니다(사무엘상 13:19-22).

그러므로 우리는 이 대장간을 세워 칼을 만들어 낼 뿐만 아니라 대장장이를 일으켜야 합니다. 대장장이들은 아침에 일찍 일어나 풀무에 불을 다시 지피고 그들의 손이 더러워지는 것을 마다하지 않습니다. 하나님은 성령의 불을 어떻게 다루는지를 알고 당신의 살아 있는 말씀인 성령의 검을 제대로 만들어 낼 줄 아는 영적 대장장이들을 일으키며 훈련하고 계십니다. 만약 지금 우리가 리즈 하월즈의 유업을 회복하여 이 영적 대장간을 세우고 영적 대장장이들을 훈련한다면 그들이 스스로 하나님이 주신 은사들과 기술들을 사용하여 이 마지막 때의 기근과 전쟁에서 무너지지 않고 오히려 하나님 나라를 확장하는 전사들로 일어나게 될 것입니다.

PA statehood bid expected on Thursday 29th November

This weekend a delegation from ECI will travel to the UN in New York in time for the expected vote for a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state at the UN on Thursday 29th November.

Thanks to some extraordinary measures we will be inside the UN the whole week to follow the proceedings, pray and reach out to undecided delegates.  Our simple belief is that the UN ambassadors that are to vote on the issue have not taken everything in to account.

- A Palestinian statehood bid at this time violates international law and is in breach of the Oslo agreements which state that no party can take unilateral action before a final settlement is reached through negotiations.

- The Palestinian Authority does not meet the criteria for statehood as they do not control their own territory. Abbas has not been allowed in to Gaza since he was kicked out in 2007. Neither do the PA have peace with their neighbours.

- A premature upgrade of PA as a non-member state would pre-define the borders along the 1967 armistice lines. These are not recognized borders under international law.  Final borders can only be negotiated, not proclaimed by one party alone.

- The proposed PA state would divide Jerusalem and make the Old City the capital of an Islamic Palestinian state.  This would close off the Holy sites for the Jewish people who would have to leave the city.

These are only some of the facts that we believe the international community ought to know and take into consideration as they vote. There are also many believing diplomats who are eager to learn what the Word of God is stating about His covenant with the Jewish people and the land of Israel. During our recent visits to the UN we have had many opportunities to share all these aspects of the vote.

Thank you for praying for us while we travel to New York on your behalf. We also appreciate any financial gift during this crucial time. You can find the details for donations by clicking this "Donate".

You will be able to follow us daily on Twitter @eciun and Facebook as well as through our special blog on our website where we will update you with videos and special reports.

Helsinki, 23rd November, 2012

Tomas Sandell
on behalf of ECI

Open Letter to Permanent Representatives to the UN


Could you stand with Israel and pray with us for this UN vote; NO to a unilateral PA statehood bid on Thursday 29th November?


Help save the Peace process, vote for peace
. Say no to a unilateral PA statehood bid
Your Excellencies,

The United Nations was created in 1945 in order to prevent war and settle disputes peacefully. Over the years, we have seen many conflicts resolved peacefully through negotiation, with the help of the UN. At other times, the UN has failed, with parties in dispute rejecting a peaceful settlement and walking away from the negotiating table.

Excellencies, tomorrow afternoon you will be faced with an important decision which relates to one of the first conflicts involving the UN, namely the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Tomorrow, Thursday, the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, will apply for observer non-member state status at the UN. If accepted, it could mean the end of the Oslo Peace Process which clearly stipulates that ”neither side shall initiate or take any steps that will change the status of the West Bank and Gaza Strip, pending the outcome of the Permanent Status negotiations” (Article 31).

November 29th also marks the 65th Anniversary of the UN Partition Plan for Palestine which promised two states for two peoples, Jews and Arabs, living side by side in peace. Sadly, the plan was rejected by one side who walked away. Instead of reaching out for peace, five Arab armies attacked Israel the moment the Jewish people declared the independence of the State of Israel on May 14th, 1948, based on the UN Partition Plan. As we mark this historic day, it is important to remember that there would be no Palestinian refugees today if the Arab side had simply accepted the UN offer. Instead of observing International Solidarity Day for the Palestinian people, we could tomorrow be marking the 65th Anniversary of an independent Palestinian state.

Excellencies, tomorrow you will be faced with another historic vote. The choice is once again between negotiation and unilateralism. There is no way to peace other than through negotiation. This was true in 1947 and it is true still today.

History confirms that unilateral actions, whether declarations of war or a unilateral declaration of a state, have never solved any conflict, nor led to a sustainable peace. In 1947, the Arabs missed a unique opportunity to have their own state.  Let us not be irresponsible and suggest that they walk the path of 1947 again. The Palestinian people deserve something better.

Your vote on Thursday can be a vote for peace, however in order to give peace a chance, you need to vote for resumed negotiations and not for unilateralism. This is why you need to reject a premature and unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state. 


(Tomas Sandell
on behalf of ECI)

New York, 28th November, 2012

European countries divided ahead of Palestinian statehood bid

On Thursday, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas plans to ask the U.N. General Assembly to recognize Palestine in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem, areas Israel captured in the 1967 Mideast war. Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005, but still controls most access.

The Palestinians expect some two-thirds of the General Assembly's 193 members will accept Palestine as a non-member observer state. The vote will not change the situation on the ground, yet the Palestinians still say it is significant.

The United States and Israel are strongly opposed, saying they fear it will only slow progress toward a peace deal. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has been lobbying Western countries, particularly in Europe, in hopes of presenting a broad international consensus against Israel. The international boost will also help him in his rivalry with Hamas, which gained popularity with Palestinians after battling Israel during eight days of fighting earlier this month.

Two-thirds of U.N. member nations have already recognized the state of Palestine.


-- FRANCE: Yes. Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius made the announcement before parliament. "In any case, it's only through negotiations -- that we ask for without conditions and immediately between the two sides -- that we will be able to reach the realization of a Palestinian state," Fabius said Tuesday.

-- CHINA: Yes. The foreign minister reaffirmed support for Palestinian aspirations at the U.N. during a meeting last Friday with a Palestinian envoy.

-- SPAIN, NORWAY, DENMARK and SWITZERLAND: All announced Wednesday they would vote yes. The Swiss government called a change in status "both constructive and pragmatic."

-- AUSTRIA: Yes. Martin Weiss, the foreign ministry spokesman, said Austria decided to vote for the resolution after it became clear there would be no common EU position.

-- INDIA: Yes.

-- GREECE: Yes.

-- IRELAND: Yes. Ireland, which has long sympathized with the Palestinians, said it also would vote in favor of progressing the Palestinian Authority's claims to statehood. "The government hopes very much that this measured advance at the United Nations will encourage the Palestinian people that they are slowly coming towards their goal, and that their commitment to a political path and a negotiated settlement with Israel can bear fruit," government minister Shane McEntee told lawmakers in Ireland's parliament.

-- RUSSIA: Probably yes. It supported Palestinian membership in the U.N. cultural agency, UNESCO. The Russian Foreign Ministry said it "believes that the Palestinians have the right for such a move" but it added "we hope that the Palestinian leadership has well calculated possible consequences of such action."



-- UNITED STATES: Opposed.

-- CANADA. Opposed. Canada is a staunch ally of Israel. Rick Roth, a spokesman for Canada's foreign minister, said any two-state solution must be negotiated and mutually agreed upon by both states. Roth said any unilateral action is ultimately unhelpful.

-- GERMANY: No or abstain. It's "very certain that Germany will not vote for such a resolution," said Chancellor Angela Merkel's spokesman, Steffen Seibert. Officials aren't saying whether that will translate into a no vote or an abstention.

-- NETHERLANDS: Probably no. "Lasting peace in the region can only be reached if Israel and the Palestinians return to the negotiating table to reach a final agreement over a two-state solution," according to a letter the foreign minister sent to parliament this week.

-- BRITAIN: Possibly abstain. The foreign secretary said Britain could support the measure only if there were a clear commitment by the Palestinians to return immediately and unconditionally to negotiations with Israel. "While there is no question of the United Kingdom voting against the resolution, in order to vote for it we would need certain assurances or amendments," said William Hague.

-- AUSTRALIA: Abstain, according to Prime Minister Julia Gillard. Her government is divided on the issue, but Gillard told Parliament "bipartisan policy across the major parties in this parliament to support Israel, to support peace in the Middle East, to support two states in the Middle East."


Published November 28, 2012

Associated Press (Fox News)

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