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 Prison to Palaceforge logo 2013 jan

(The Forge Newsletter_March & April_2016)

Then Joseph's master took him and put him into the prison, a place where the king's prisoners were confined. And he was there in the prison. (Genesis 39:20-21)

2016 04 josephJoseph was a successful slave in Potiphar's house. He could have stayed there forever as a successful slave if he had compromised himself. However, he fled from the house and abandoned his guaranteed future because of the temptation of Potiphar's wife. As a result of that, he was imprisoned and his life was ruined by his own decision making.


1. Joseph's decision making takes him into prison
There are different stages of decision making in his life. When Joseph was sold to the Ishmaelites and moved to Egypt, it wasn't his decision but his brothers. When Joseph was sold to Potiphar, it wasn't his decision but the Ishamelites and Potiphar. When he was chosen as the Prime-Minister of Egypt, it wasn't his decision but king Pharaoh's. However, when he fled from Potiphar's wife, it was his decision. When he forgave and forgot the sins of his brothers, Potiphar's wife, and cupbearer, it was his decision. Likewise, other people's decision making in my life may change my external situations or positions, but my own decision making transforms my internal being.

2. We may need to decide to take myself into prison or even into death
Likewise, sometimes the direction of my life journey is decided by other people, but
sometimes I have to decide to take myself into prison or even into death. No-one wants to be imprisoned but it is a privilege to be there for God's name's sake, because God is preparing his people in prison for the next chapter of his plan and his purposes.

Jesus tells us, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” (Matthew 7:13-14) There is no way to get the Lord's table and the overflowing cup without walking through the valley of the shadow of the death. (Psalm 23:4)

3. It's miracle of God for Joseph to be imprisoned
It was a miracle for Joseph to be imprisoned because Joseph wasn't qualified to be in the prison that was for the king's officers. He was supposed to be executed if he was convicted as an attempted rapist by the law at that time. But he wasn't executed, instead he was imprisoned because Potiphar knew Joseph wouldn't commit that sin. So he rescued and protected Joseph from his wife. In fact, Joseph was set free in the prison from Potiphar's wife. Also the prison was the right place for preparation, transformation and promotion for Joseph to enter the palace and to perform as Prime-Minister, also for the nation of Israel to be formed .

4. We mustn't waste the time of our imprisonment
If Joseph could have made the decisions when he was in Dothan,
certainly he wouldn't have gone to Egypt, instead would have returned to his father's house. So God used his brothers to send him to Egypt. God never allows us to be confined in prison without reason. Therefore, when we are bound, he is preparing us to be released with authority and skills. So we mustn't waste the time of our imprisonment.

Many people are satisfied with what they have and where they are as a successful slave or, like David, as the king's son-in-law. But we have to understand what our calling or anointing is. Joseph's dreams weren't to be a successful slave but a faithful facilitator for the Kingdom of God as Prime-minister of Egypt. David's anointing wasn't king Saul's wonderful son-in-law, but the king of the united Israel. That's why Joseph made the decision to flee from Potiphar's wife to the place of death, and David fled from the palace to the wilderness.

5. Joseph trampled Potiphar's wife's dream

There are two kinds of dreams in our lives; one is Joseph's dream that comes from God that brings eternal life, and another one is Potiphar's wife's dream that gives momentary pleasure but eternal death. I think now is the time for us to decide to flee from Potiphar's wife and to trample her dream, although we may lose our possessions and be put into prison or killed. Now is the time to flee from king Saul's palace into the wilderness, although we may lose our position as king's son-in-law.

[ Prayer & Intercession ]

1. EU-EXIT (= Brexit) Referendum on 23rd June 2016
We probably have got different views and opinions about this subject. I have been praying for the United Kingdom and Europe, but I didn't have any clear understanding about the British Referendum. But a couple of weeks ago, I think I received some understanding about it.


When the apostle Paul arrived at the Areopagus in Greece, he saw an interesting altar with this inscription: “TO THE UNKNOWN GOD” among many objects of their worship. Then he started introducing the God who created the heavens and the earth.

“God has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their pre-appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings. So they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us.” (Acts 17:26-27)

Therefore, the reason why God has made the boundaries is to seek the Lord and in the hope that they might find Him because he is not far from each one of us. Of course, through history, people groups or nations are invaded or being invaded, so the boundaries have been changed and destroyed. Even now IS has been trying to create new boundaries and the Iraqi forces have been recapturing some territories.


The British Isles has become the United Kingdom through its history, although it was invaded by Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans along the way. And God has used the United Kingdom for the Kingdom of God in many ways, although there are many mistakes and scars of colonisation in our history.


So, I think our enemy tries to change or remove the boundaries that God has made, so that people may not seek and find God, but build the Tower of Babel again to fight against God. Therefore, I pray that the United Kingdom should come out from EU, also the EU countries should find their own identity and destiny in God's eternal purposes.


[ Dramatic Shift in the Middle East ]

2016 04 egypt border

2. Israel, peace with Egypt stronger than ever!
In 2012 April, I felt that we had to go to Israel and Egypt, and we had to walk in between Israel and Egypt on foot, so that God would build the bridge between two nations and the Kings Highway might be built. So seven of us went and walked the border and blessed two nations. It wasn't an easy journey but it was worth it.




In February Egypt's new Ambassador to Israel, Hazem Ahdy Khairat, took up residence. He is the first Egyptian Ambassador to Israel since November 2012. Last Year in September Israel reopened its embassy in Cairo, which was forced to close after being ransacked by a mob four years previously. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared recently that “the ties between Egypt and Israel are an important part of the national security of both countries.” 

In Netanyahu's opinion, “Major Arab countries are changing their view of Israel…they don’t see Israel anymore as their enemy, but they see Israel as their ally, especially in the battle against militant Islam.” - source from “United with Israel” - (read more....)

3. Kuwaiti urges all Muslim States to recognize Israel immediately
2016 04 arab israelAccording to recent international press reports, political relations between Arab and Muslim states in the Middle East and Israel are undergoing a significant change. “Since the Arab Spring and over the course of the past half-decade, the Arab countries’ stance towards relations with Israel has shifted dramatically,while a growing number of Arab policy makers have publicly supported open and full relations with the Jewish State.” The following are cited from various media sources:

Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director-General Dore Gold is reported as saying that many Arab countries are now very ready to maintain ties with Israel so long as these are not made public. Israel has business interests in most Arab countries. Some Arab countries already maintain open and friendly relations, like Qatar and Oman, including taking part recently in international sporting events hosted there.

In a true sign of change in the Arab world, Kuwaiti media personality Yousuf ‘Abd Al-Karim Al-Zinkawi called on all Arab and Muslim states to recognize Israel, openly and without delay, and stop calling it “the Zionist Entity” or “the Israeli occupation,” terms which undermine Israel’s legitimacy. The Kuwaiti daily newspaper Al-Siyassa published an article in which he argued that “The very presence of the Arab and Islamic states in the UN General Assembly, under the same roof as the Israeli delegation, means… that they recognize Israel. Otherwise, what is the meaning of their presence [there].” He added that it was time for all Arab and Muslim states to stop playing political charades and fully acknowledge the reality of the Nation of Israel, which they already covertly deal with in increasing measure. - source from “United with Israel” - (Read more...)


[ News Update ]

1. God prepared everything! : Trip to Israel
Five if us went to Israel in February: JS wanted to find out her next step, TK wanted to have his birthday present, WS & YH wanted to understand God's heart for Israel, and I went to support them. We didn't have enough finances to be in Israel for 10 days journey. Even one of us bought his flight ticket at the last minute.

The day before our departure, a friend of mine came to visit us and gave us 300 really unexpectedly, also God provided £150 while we were in London. He kept providing: a car, Israeli money, and a flat in Jerusalem. Our Heavenly Father is so awesome.


God brought JS her journey back and confirmed her to come to Israel. I think she is now going to study Hebrew language in the Autumn season. WS & YH have been so much touched after visiting the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. He told me, “How can I comfort this people?” Also she told me, “What I heard about the situation in North Korea from the North Korean defectors and the Holocaust situations is the same!” Later on, WS prayed, “Heavenly Father, let North Koreans come to this land and let them worship you with Jewish people because they can easily identify with the Jewish people's suffering and wounded heart because of their horrible experiences.” Interestingly, God led us to pray for North Korea many times while we were in Israel.


2. It is Possible! : The Forge Korea

JS2 organised the Forge Korea from 5th to 12th March in Bucheon in South Korea. Seven of us gathered together and shared life together. It wasn't easy but in the end God has brought everything amazingly. People had a taste of rest and trust, also we shared a lot of inner stuff, even during our meal times. I didn't have a lot of hope but now I have hope in Korea after the week of community living at the Forge.

2016 04 noah korea3. Noah has been spoiled in Korea!
Noah lived with a family who live near Seoul for three weeks, and he went to a primary school for two weeks. Also he practiced Taekwondo and he has got a green-belt. The host family was lovely and wonderful. The mum drove Noah to the school every morning and back every afternoon. We went to a theme park twice and Noah really enjoyed himself.


4. People who are living in the Forge House
JS and TK are leaving soon for Korea to move on to their next stage. JS is planning to study Hebrew language in Jerusalem for her calling. We have a Korean-French young lady whose name is Ai-Jee. She was born and brought up in France by her Korean parents and was burned-out from studying. Now she has been learning the heart of the Father and trusting and resting in Him.We also have a young Korean guy called Ye Chan, he is struggling with English and making progress understanding His heart. 2016 04 forge houseBrenda has visited where she used to work as a missionary in France twice recently and she found that she was calmer and inwardly stable regardless of the situation or people. South African Owen has been progressing in his journey with God. He is still waiting for his visa to live in the UK. Seungae is also still waiting for her visa appeal. (on the right: Passover meal at the Forge House)

5. The 8th Forge School started is smaller but deeper
It is a very interesting time where we are globally and locally. There are so many changes and challenges but our God is so faithful and unchanging. We are twelve in this Forge School including a Messianic Jewish Rabbi and are staying in a beautiful cottage in a deep valley near a welsh estuary where three rivers and the Atlantic sea meet. I believe that God is leading us into deeper and wider places with a smaller number.

We normally go abroad to the Middle East after two weeks community living in Wales, but this time five of us were going to travel in the U.K. for two weeks. However, yesterday early morning, God told me, “You stay, let them go by themselves!” Then God wants me to go to Israel in May instead. It is very much an unexpected picture.

There was a gathering in Llanelli because of Rowland Evans' 80th birthday. He is the founder of 2 missionary movements, World Horizons and Nations. We saw an amazing reconciliation and restoration in the body of Christ. I believe that God is continuously redeeming and restoring His body, and purifying and beautifying His bride.

6. “Place all on the altar!”
On 1st April 2014, I saw a card in the Blue (prayer) Room at the Bible College of Wales. This sentence jumped out and God spoke to me clearly. But I didn't know who sent the card or why the person sent it. On 20th April 2016, I took a Korean-American group to the Bible College and I met the person who sent the card and found out she didn't know why she sent it, but she felt that God wanted her to do that. We were both in tears and another visitor joined and prayed over me. It was very encouraging and significant time for me. We will see what happens! (read more...)

Three days Fasting for Israel & UK
27th - 29th June 2016
Venue: Brunel Manor, Teignmouth Road, Torquay, Devon, TQ1 4SF
Contacts: Dr Anne Rowntree
Tel: 07919 620566 / Email:
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Celebration for the Nations in Israel 2016
Gail Dixon received this vision in 2004; “If you sing, I will give you water!” I have been involved in this worship festival since 2006, standing with Gail. This summer it will be in Mt Carmel in Israel: 31st July - 6th Aug 2016. /


Shalom Love!

Qday LEE
on behalf of the Forge family

46 Coleshill Terrace, Llanelli, SA15 3DA, UK
(+44) 7870653157

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