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Turn Ford Into FORT 
(Forge Newsletter_May_2011)

Ehud killed Eglon Moabite king single-handed, then he blew the trumpet to call Israelites for a war. Now it is our turn and our time to come together to fight as they did. They possessed the fords of the Jordan and destroyed their enemies, although they were vigorous and strong. Ehud and his followers turned the fords into forts through the battle.
(Judges 3:27-30)

Rees Howells turned a mansion into the Bible College; a spiritual FORT through the battle of faith, although the enemy was very strong. The Bible College was not only a place for training young warriors but also itself was a battle field of intercession at a crucial time in history.

Now a property developer is trying to turn the spiritual FORT into physical forty houses. If this happens the forty houses will be useful for ordinary life but we will lose the spiritual FORT and we may give way to our enemy to attack and to possess us. But we have to keep the FORT to restore the legacy of Rees Howells and to resume the work of God, so that we may teach how to live by faith, how to fight the spiritual warfare for such a time as this and raise up this kind of warriors of God.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Thank you for your standing together with us in prayer and practical involvement regarding the Bible College of Wales. As I wrote in a very brief report, we had a wonderful and powerful time in repentance, forgiveness and blessings on 30th April in Parkland Church in Swansea. It wasn’t a formal meeting but sharing our hearts and praying for the inheritance of Rees Howells to be restored in Wales and for such a time as this.

Your Opportunities of Involvement;

1. Sending Comment Form

We have been encouraging people to send a Comment Form to Swansea Council LDP (Local Development Plan) about BCW sites. If you haven’t read our documents or sent the comment form yet, please read them and take an action. It might be a small action but it can create a great movement of God.

The deadline for Swansea Council to receive the Comment Form was the 31st May but interestingly now they have extended two months until the 30th July. (This is the reason why they have extended the ending date:

2. Meeting to Pray and to Prepare for the Future with God
The future belongs to those who pray and prepare. We are going to meet to pray, share and to prepare practical things. If you are interested in taking part, please make the effort and come.

Date: Saturday, 11th June, 2011 at 12:00 - 4pm (Please bring a packed lunch)
Venue: Parklands Church, Maes Y Gollen, Sketty, Swansea, SA2 8HQ

3. Prayers and Practical Involvements
Legal Advisor & Secretary: We need a couple of professional legal advisor (lawyers) and a voluntary secretary in order to proceed properly. Please pray for them and let us know if you know the right ones or yourself. We need real experts.

Bank Account: We have already received small amount of money for Reclaiming BCW from South Korea, USA, etc. So, we feel we need to open a bank account for Reclaiming BCW fund. We need some expert advice.

Thank you so much for praying and working together in the fulfilment of His eternal Purpose.

Kyoo Dae (Qday) & Bridget Lee