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Garden to Calvary

(The Forge Newsletter_July_2012 )

Adam and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. .… Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, "Where are you?" He answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid." (Genesis 2:25, 3:8-10)

Nakedness brings freedom
Adam and his wife were both naked, but they felt no shame.
(shame/בוש: to be disappointed, ashamed, confused, delayed) When we have a simple trust in God, we don't need to cover our nakedness because he overshadows us and covers us with his glory. Adam and Eve's nakedness was not only physical; there was no barrier, no veil between them and God; nothing was covered up or hidden. They covered their bodies with fig leaves and hid, and in the same was we cover ourselves and hide in our possession, position, protection, or power. As long as Adam and Eve trusted in God, they were not disappointed, ashamed, confused, or delayed. But when they listened to the serpent instead of God, fear came in and then they were confused, ashamed, God was disappointed, and God's purpose was delayed.


God could not find himself in the garden
Did God not know where they were? God surely knew where they were. Why, then, did God call them: “Where are you?” God couldn't see them as they were any more because they covered themselves with leaves. In other words, they were not naked any more. While God was searching for them, actually God was searching for himself. Adam was created as image of God, which means God saw himself in Adam like a mirror. But one day, suddenly, the image disappeared from God's sight. When God saw Adam, he might have been confused by an Adam who was covered with leaves. God couldn't see His own image any more. God lost Himself in the garden. He was really saying: “Where am I?”

naked jesusGod found himself on Calvary
The first Adam(אדם: ruddy or to show blood) put on fig tree leaves to cover himself but the last Adam (Jesus; 1Corinthians 15:45-49) had everything taken away from him to show the image of God on a tree. God found his own image on the tree at Calvary. When he saw his son's naked body and blood, he found himself again. God finished his own journey in eternity at Calvary, and now he is inviting us to join His finished journey by faith in time and on earth.

God's invitation to the finished journey

Abraham, Moses, David, Peter...all were invited and walked with God for a while here on earth. Rees Howells was invited into this finished journey for a while. Now God is inviting us into this finished journey also. One thing we need to know is that we cannot walk with God by faith if we are covered a lot with man made protection and provision, etc. If David had put on king Saul's armour, he wouldn't have been able to run and to use his sling. He took off king Saul's armour and used his simple weapon because he trusted in God totally. When Goliath saw David, he was ruddy(אדם / adam; 1Samuel 17:42). Real freedom and confidence come from the nakedness in trusting God. Putting on things gives us false identity, false security, and leads us to wrong destiny.



[ Prayer & Intercession ]

Together for the Nation at the Westminster

I was invited to attend a prayer gathering in Westminster on 12th June. We were about 70 people from different parts of the UK. We spent an hour listening to God and nearly everyone shared. Interestingly God was speaking to us pretty similar things about the UK although we are from very different backgrounds. (This is what I received from the Lord.)

You will see the reverse side of a tapestry; a lot of mess, but I will show my beauty and power through it. You need to understand by faith but not by sight, otherwise you will not stand but will be in despair. I want you to understand by faith what I am doing in order to fulfil my eternal purpose in this land.

I have already started my new journey in the UK. Join with me in this journey by faith, not by sight. I have destined the United Kingdom, even before the creation of the world. I will use you again mightily in history; I will redeem you, restore you and release you.
REPENT and STAND with ME by FAITH. Without faith, you will lose your ground. Don't be distracted by the transitory things. Yet hold fast my eternal purpose and my promises. My love never fails and it completes everything.

Don't be hasty when you are near to Jerusalem like the Wise Men (after Jesus was born). If you think you are wise, you'd better be foolish. Still you need to move at night, not in day light with your own sight. The Wise Men stopped looking at the star and travelled by day to Jerusalem, using their own understanding. If you move with your own sight, many innocent generations might be killed because of you. (Don't listen to the enemy's lies.) Move at night by faith. In the darkness you will see the light. Don't move by sight but by faith in the darkness. THE DARKNESS IS COMING but don't be afraid of it. It will help to show my light.”

blacksmith okNational Day of Prayer: 7th July 7am - 7pm
We know from the history of the people of Israel that they were released from their Babylonian captivity after 70 years by God and through the intercession (REPENTANCE) of Daniel, who understood God's promise and his timing, and took action by faith (Daniel 9:2-19). I believe we now need to STAND together with understanding of God's heart, with repentance, and BLOW the trumpet as a prophetic action for a year of Jubilee in Britain. So I am proposing a National Day of Prayer on 7th July, from 7am to 7pm, in Repentance with fasting if you can, to see this nation turned around as it was 72 years ago, so that God may redeem and restore her spiritual inheritance as well as release her into her destiny.

- FASTING & REPENTING, 7am - 7pm
- GATHERING at your own local churches or homes
- DECLARING a Year of JUBILEE & BLOWING trumpets at 12pm and at 7pm
- CORPORATIVE GATHERING at Emmanuel Centre, Marsharm Street, Westminster, SW1P 3DW, London, 11am - 2pm and 6-7pm

Egypt, Israel, Syria, Iran, Turkey
It is such a crucial time in these areas in the Middle East, especially in this post-presidential election. In the Bible history, the land of Egypt is so important. In fact, Abraham was blessed by the Egyptian, the nation of Israel was formed and born from Egypt and Jesus himself was taken and brought up for a while in Egypt. God would call out his son from Egypt for the harvest field in these last days. God has allowed these nations to be shaken so that what cannot be shaken may remain. (Hebrews 12:26-27)


Venezuela is a very important country and so rich in God's Kingdom but she has been blocked by the current government authority. Now is the time to fly over the walls, which have been built by the government, as well as the time for the walls to be removed. The presidential election is coming in November. It is such a critical time for the future of the nation.


As we have experienced, quite a number of politicians are deceptive not because they are evil but because they promise a lot of impossible things in order to get their positions. But I sense that there is an evil intention in the way Barak Obama has been saying and doing things. I urge to pray that God may reveal these hidden evil things and open Americans' eyes to see the truth of God, so that they may choose, not an economically beneficial candidate or fancy and empty words but a God appointed person for such time as this. Please remember that God used America in an amazing way to bless many nations physically and spiritually for the last century. I am sure that if America repents of her pride, God will use her as his vessel mightily.

South Korea

The presidential election is taking place on 19th December 2012 in South Korea. I am not sure, but one of the candidates is likely to be AHN Chul Soo. My intention is not to criticise a candidate but to encourage people to pray for the future of South Korea for the Kingdom of God. I sensed that Mr Ahn is like Absalom who was king David's son and stole peoples' heart to cause a revolt in David's kingdom(2 Samuel 15:5-6). He has been stealing people's hearts. If Koreans are deceived by him and elect him, he will take South Korea away from God's purpose. I sense that he is not the right one from God for the country at this time. I am sharing this not from any political agenda but spiritual revelation. Mr Ahn himself might be a good man but what I sense is that the spirit of deception is working behind.


On 11th May, early morning I strongly felt that God wants us to pray for France. I sensed that God said, “The deep DARKNESS is coming to FRANCE but this is a great opportunity for the LIGHT to be shown to France.” French people might be suffering from the darkness but the light will be brighter than ever before. The next day early morning, I clearly heard from God something about France; “NO COMPROMISE!” Life will be very hard and tough for French people, especially Christians, morally, economically, and spiritually. Some Christians might compromise to keep their comfortable standard of life. God, however, is saying, “NO COMPROMISE but BE TENACIOUS!” “Don't be enslaved to this world. I have already set you free from slavery.” “I want to use you as the LIGHT of this world. KEEP your heart PURE and your mind SIMPLE, and WALK faithfully with me even though you lose your reputation or position or even life.”

[ Update News & Gathering ]

blacksmith okBCW Sites Update
Cornerstone Church from Singapore has been working with the current owner; Global Horizons Trust. They are intending to purchase the Derwen Fawr site but not Sketty Isaf. The housing development proposal with Swansea Council is still being processed too, according to my communication with an officer in the Planning Department in Swansea City Council. Please pray that God's bigger picture to be emerged so that we may stand together for the Kingdom of God when it is purchased. Please continue to stand with us to purchase the other site, Sketty Isaf and to redeem the inheritance of Rees Howells. As Rees Howells exercised his calling by faith, in the same way, we are to live by faith.

blacksmith okNext the Forge gathering in July
Date: Saturday, 14th July 2012, 12pm - 4pm (with packed lunch)
Venue: Parklands Church, Maes Y Gollen, Sketty, Swansea, U.K., SA2 8HQ  

If you want to see the location on the web, click here.

Samuel Rees Howells Book has been published
Samuel, Son and Successor of Rees Howells” by Richard Maton or Amazon

Celebration for the Nations 2012: 20th - 27th July, Wales
An international Worship Celebration
Spring up, O well! (Numbers 17:21)

blacksmith okThe FORGE vision
God has commissioned us to redeem the land Rees Howells once purchased and made the site of the Bible College of Wales, a place of intercession and training for the mission field, which is now vacant and for sale. The vision we, and many others, have is to open a centre there which functions both as a (24/7) prayer house with intercession for Israel and the nations; and also a training centre to prepare workers both practically and spiritually for the mission field in these last days.

The picture God has given us is of a spiritual forge, where apprentices learn how to handle fire, water and metals and wrestle them into useful weapons, and where the apprentices are themselves forged through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit's fire to become useful tools in His hands.

Although this vision has been in my heart since January 2009, it has been sprouted through my trip to Israel in January 2011 and was confirmed at ECI (European Coalition for Israel) summit in Brussels in March.

Shalom & Love!

Qday LEE

on behalf of the FORGE team

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