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 Cross-Breeding to Bleeding-Cross

(The Forge Newsletter_June_2012)

18 The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds in the sky and all the wild animals. But for Adam no suitable helper was found. 21 So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man's ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. 22 Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. (Genesis 2:18, 20-22)

oak tree old new1 Adam needed a helper although he himself was perfect
God created Adam perfect, but he needed a helper to increase in number as God blessed him. He probably was wise, strong, young and handsome but it was impossible to produce his descendants by himself. This is our weakness too; we cannot fulfil God's eternal purpose by ourselves but we need someone else.

2 God worked while Adam was sleeping
Adam overheard that it was not good for him to be alone and God would make his helper. If God hadn't spoken to him about it, he could have lived without his wife. We are expecting something because of God's word. God caused him to fall into a deep sleep (a death-like state) in order to bring new life out. Sometimes God causes us to die, so that he can bring new life out of the death. When I try to work it out, God cannot perform his operation. When I rest in him, he works in me and through me.

3 Eve was inside of Adam but not outside of him
After God said that Adam needed a helper, God brought all the animals and birds to Adam. Although God brought them to him to name them, it looks as if he also brought them for him to choose a mate. But for Adam no suitable mate was found (Genesis 2:20). Because of pressure from outside, sometimes we try to find the solution from outside although the real solution is in us or among us. But the solution asks my death first. If I don't die, the solution wouldn't be able to come out. Sometimes we are looking for the solution outside of us because we don't want to give ourselves away, even a small rib. It isn't a pleasant experience to give myself away or die but it is painful. But the ultimate solution is in it.

4 God formed a beautiful woman from a broken useless rib
A broken rib is nothing but God created a beautiful and perfect woman from it. If we give it onto God's hand no matter how small it is, God creates new life like Eve, multiplies a hundred fold, like the little boy's lunch which fed 20,000 people with 12 basketfuls leftover. Eve was born from Adam's rib(צלע). The nation Israel was born from Jacob's limping(צלע) (Genesis 32:31). Jesus' bride has been born from his broken side(John 19:34).

5 Cross-breeding can't produce further generations
ligerIf Adam chose an elegant elephant as his mate or a flying eagle or powerful crocodile, and successfully mated with them, they would produce cross-bred descendants. These might have been very interesting looking and had powerful ability but they would not have been able to produce further generations because their DNA is defiled. Adam probably bled when God operated on him to bring out the rib – the future Eve. Jesus bled on the Cross to give up his life and to give his life to his brides. The DNA of faith cannot be found outside of me but inside, and it is released through a dying experience. Bones contain the DNA of faith, so Joseph made his brothers swear an oath to carry his bones to the promised land when God released them, because he believed in God's promise (Genesis 50:25, Exodus 13:19, Joshua 24:32).


6 Cross-breeding Christians cannot bring forth the Generations of Faith
Those who don't want to shed their blood to sacrifice with Christ are cross-breeding Christians. They are compromising with this world and they cannot bring forth generations of faith. But the bleeding-Cross generation produces the next generations and they are ready to pay the cost of faith, which is dying with Christ. Although cross-breeding looks attractive, we don't want to produce any cross-breeding generation but the bleeding-Cross bride warrior through the FORGE.


blacksmith okDon't be Deceived or Dissuaded by the Enemy!
During the worship, Gladys received an impression of Abraham sitting at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day, when three men come walking nearby. He runs to invite them in, and after the meal God tells Abraham what the plan is to destroy Sodom and Gomorah. Abraham takes it upon himself to intercede and bargain to try and spare the city for the sake of the righteous, but there are not enough. The exhortation for us is to keep on hanging in there on what we've heard from God, and not be dissuaded by enemy tactics and distractions. God is faithful! (from the last Forge gathering: 26th May) - Gladys Funnell -


BCW Sites Update
sitea siteb map ex plain horizontal vsmallCornerstone Church from Singapore has been working with the current owner; Global Horizons Trust. They are intending to purchase the Derwen Fawr site but not Sketty Isaf. The housing development proposal with Swansea Council is still being processed too, according to my communication with an officer in the Planning Department in Swansea City Council.

God has commissioned me to purchase both BCW sites and to form a new body that is international, inter-denominational, inter-organisational and to build “The (spiritual) FORGE” in order to redeem the inheritance of Rees Howells. God has revealed 5 areas of this inheritance which are to be the lifestyle of the FORGE: intercession, mission, worship, preparing the next generation and standing with Israel. As Rees Howells exercised his calling by faith, in the same way, we are to live by faith. God hasn't told me anything different yet, therefore I have to carry on this call to set up the FORGE by faith on these sites.


Jews & Arabs United in Jesus
God has been uniting Jews and Arabs in Israel as one New Man(Ephesians 2:14-16). Arab Christian leaders washed Jewish Christian leaders' feet in Nazareth in 2010. Please watch this video clip.

Judy's Vision about Revival in Wales and Beyond
Judy from Jerusalem saw this vision for revival about Wales and UK. Please watch this video clip. It will greatly encourage you.


[ Prayers & Intercessions ]

1) Prayer for London Olympics & Torch Relay
As I write this, the Olympic torch, carried by a small army of volunteers, is making it's way all over the UK. Most people know that the flame, like the Games themselves, originates from Ancient Greece, where a perpetual flame burned outside the temples of Zeus and his wife Hera while the games were held. The symbolic flame from the ancient games was reintroduced during the 1928 Games in Amsterdam. But most people do not know that the modern convention of moving the Olympic Flame via a relay system from Greece to the Olympic venue was introduced in 1936 by Hitler and Nazi regime. On 20th July 1936, the Olympic Flame was lit in Olympia, Greece and transported over 3,187 km by 3,331 runners in twelve days from Greece to Berlin.

Hitler identified with the Ancient Greeks as forerunners to his “perfect Aryan race.” The Olympic torch relay symbolised the burning of Nazi power all across Europe - demonic power. I felt very negative about the performance of the relay across the UK until a couple of weeks ago God gave me fresh interpretation.

God told me, “You can use the enemy's sword to decapitate him, just like David did with Goliath. But the church will not be able to if you are wearing Saul's armour and holding his weapons, you will not have power to defeat him.” I believe this means that in the church we depend too much on our theologies and theories, and “good ideas.” These can divide us into different denominations and organisations, etc.. We need to go back to the simple truth of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we think we are doing well without God’s help because we have Saul’s amour and his weapons. But God says: “Not by might nor by power, but by the Spirit of God.”(Zec 4:6)

We had the privilege of meeting a small group of people who are doing just that. There has been no media hype about this one, but a large, open-topped, double-decker “praise bus” is doing the same route as the torch, only 2 hours AHEAD of it, with live worship and prayer being offered up for the nation as they drive. The whole route will take them 70 days, and a great deal of energy and administration, but praise the Lord, they are doing it! Here are more details, do pray for them:

2) The Year of Jubilee of Britain
About two weeks ago, when I was thinking of the Queen’s jubilee, God told me, “Don’t focus on her jubilee but the Jubilee of Britain. This year is the year of Jubilee in Britain.” Although I didn’t understand at first, God wants us to declare and pray for the Jubilee of Britain. Britain as an empire has been declining in economy, military, territory, morality, etc.. Britain has been enslaved spiritually and morally, in debt to Islamic funds since the British government disregarded the Balfour Declaration and the Jewish people in order to compromise with Islamic force. Biblically, slaves and prisoners are released, debts are forgiven, and the land is returned when the trumpet of Jubilee is blown in the year of Jubilee. I feel God is releasing the British Isles into the fullness of God and his eternal purpose again. Especially he wants to use her again to send out missionaries all over the world, if we really stand on this ground and declare it is Jubilee. God will turn Britain around in many ways. (Leviticus 25, Isaiah 61:1-4)

blacksmith okNational Day of Prayer 7th July 2012
Just over 70 years ago, in May 26 1942, Britain was at crisis point. The war was in full swing, and a huge number of British troops were trapped on the coast of Northern France. There was no way to rescue them, and the Germans were advancing. Then something amazing happened:

King George VI called for a National Day of Prayer to be held on 26th May. In a national broadcast he instructed the people of the UK to plead for Divine Intervention. Together with members of the Cabinet, the King attended Westminster Abbey whilst literally millions of people across the British Isles flocked to churches to join in prayer seeking deliverance. Nothing like it had ever been seen before in our country, or indeed in any country, with people queuing to get into churches pleading for help.”
(Taken from “Why We Should Remember” by Rev. J. Willans, available on

The result was astounding. A series of natural phenomena, including a huge storm and an unusually calm English Channel prevented German advance and allowed ships to rescue over 300,000 men. Defeat and invasion of Britain was averted. And who can imagine what life in Europe would be like for us of they hadn't been?

We know from the history of the people of Israel that they were released from their Babylonian captivity after 70 years, because of the intercession of Daniel. 70 years is very significant for our nation too. I believe we are under spiritual captivity. The spirit of Islam has intimidated and dominated this nation since the 1940s, when we failed to stand with the nation of Israel as she was born (video link:;v=oVsjNzXojCM). But this is a year of jubilee, and in the year of jubilee the debts are forgiven, the captives are released. I believe we need to STAND together and BLOW the trumpet for a year of jubilee. I am proposing a National Day of Prayer on 7th July, from 7am to 7pm, with fasting if you can, to see this nation turned around as it was 70 years ago, so that God may redeem and restore her spiritual inheritance as well as release her into her destiny. (If you want to stand together for this, could you let us know please? This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )

3) Egyptian Presidential Election
As we know the second run of the Egyptian Presidential Election will take place on 16th - 17th June. There are two candidates; one from the Moslem brotherhood and the other is the former Prime-minister. We should pray for this election because it is very closely related to the modern history of Israel, the Middle East and the rest of the world, to fulfil God's purposes in this generation.

I would like to call to fast and pray for this election. I sense that God wants to bring an Arab Spring and an Arab Fall, which means some Arabs will spring up and some Arabs will fall through this election. Also please pray for Christians in Egypt and abroad, the future of Egypt, and God's plan to be fulfilled for Egypt and for the whole region.

4) Prayer for Romania's local election on 10th June so that the Justice & Righteousness of God to be established
5) God prompted me to pray for Japan on 2 June when I woke up early morning
6) Keep Being Aware of Praying for France, Iran, Venezuela, Korea, etc... (last the FORGE newsletter s)

blacksmith okNext the FORGE gathering
Date: Saturday, 23rd June 2012, 12pm - 4pm (with packed lunch)
Venue: Parklands Church, Maes Y Gollen, Sketty, Swansea, U.K., SA2 8HQ

If you want to see the location on the web, click here.

- Fellowship with lunch
- Update News on the journey of The FORGE
- Worship & Prayer & Intercession
- Words

An Ancient Well Unblocked: Miracle Valley in USA
Friends of ours recently visited Miracle Valley in Arizona in USA. In the 50’s God worked through AA Allen in amazing miracles. A French Canadian family have been called by God to restore the property and the vision and are walking a similar journey of faith to the Forge. The family have already seen amazing answers to their prayers for provision. Part of the money has already been provided to start the purchase and finance a TV programme offering to pray for people’s healing. They do not ask for finance, believing God will complete the work He has started. It seems we are in a season where God is restoring and completing visions He gave many years ago. Check out the website at


blacksmith okThe FORGE vision
God has commissioned us to redeem the land Rees Howells once purchased and made the site of the Bible College of Wales, a place of intercession and training for the mission field, which is now vacant and for sale. The vision we, and many others, have is to open a centre there which functions both as a (24/7) prayer house with intercession for Israel and the nations; and also a training centre to prepare workers both practically and spiritually for the mission field in these last days.

The picture God has given us is of a spiritual forge, where apprentices learn how to handle fire, water and metals and wrestle them into useful weapons, and where the apprentices are themselves forged through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit's fire to become useful tools in His hands.

Although this vision has been in my heart since January 2009, it has been sprouted through my trip to Israel in January 2011 and was confirmed at ECI (European Coalition for Israel) summit in Brussels in March. It is too big for us to purchase and to run it, so we are moving step by step by faith.


Celebration for the Nations 2012
A gathering of worshippers in Wales from the nations touched by the 1904 Welsh Revival, to reopen the wells dug by our forefathers, and find new ones for our time.

20th - 27th July : Wales
28th July - 6th August : London & Olympics Outreach


Shalom & Love!

Qday LEE

on behalf of the FORGE team

12 Ropewalk Road, Llanelli, SA15 2AL, UK
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07870653157 (mobile)